To be able to Speak of Reyhanli Alone

The Reyhanli attack is a quite clear attack in terms of its purpose and perpetrators. The Baath regime is trying to carry the fire into Turkish territory by using its regional proxies and a method it is accustomed to.

To be able to Speak of Reyhanli Alone
Turkey the US and the Syrian Crisis

Turkey, the US and the Syrian Crisis

Turkey is the only actor that stands to spoil the neo Sykes-Picot. It appears that it will be impossible for al-Assad to regain his power in Syria as long as Turkey maintains its position.


Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan paying a visit to the United States attended a conference, “Global Order and Justice in the 21st Century” organized by SETA in Washington D.C.

Extrication of the Turkish-Israeli relationship from the US-Turkey relationship represented a structural change.

The AK Party decade in Turkish foreign policy has been an age of change and transformation.

The analyses over the US policy in Syria have started to concentrate on the US’ gains if the Syrian crisis drags out rather than on the risks Washington will face.

Syria in between ideological politics and reel politik

The Arab Gulf countries have caused the prolongation of the Baath regime’s life by not providing strong support to the Syrian opposition and by instigating segregations.

Syria in between ideological politics and reel politik
The Kashgar Incident and China's Uyghur Question

The Kashgar Incident and China's Uyghur Question

The increasing timidity of Western democracies to pursue the principle of responsibility to protect at an international level is leaving the Chinese government with the freedom to oppress .


The last thing Turkey desires should be the entrapment of the solution process similar to that of Kirkuk’s.

Some Western nations, including the United States, are likely to be irked by a Turkey that intensifies its Somalia policy and takes other steps with the aim of restoring area balances, but that is the only way in which Turkey could contribute to bringing durable peace.

It seems that with the PKK’s disarmament these political positions will have to disarm politically.

With the occupation in Iraq, the primitive Middle Eastern eco-system, and with the Arab revolts, the Camp David order collapsed. The new regional order is being rapidly shaped by the new actors at the cost of the century-old status quo.