His Excellency Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan

His Excellency Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan

His Excellency Prime Minister of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan
Turkish-Israeli Relations and Regional Dynamics after the Palmer Report

Turkish-Israeli Relations and Regional Dynamics after the Palmer Report

SETA-DC PANEL DISCUSSION  Chair:     Kadir Ustun, SETA-DC   Speakers: Daniel Levy, New America Fnd. Stevn A. Cook, Council on F.R. Erol Cebeci,SETA-DC  Date: September 19, 2011 Monday  Venue: SETA-DC, Washington


SETA-DC PANEL DISCUSSION  Chair:     Kadir Ustun, SETA-DC   Speakers: Daniel Levy, New America Fnd. Stevn A. Cook, Council on F.R. Erol Cebeci,SETA-DC  Date: September 19, 2011 Monday  Venue: SETA-DC, Washington 

‘What are the implications for the Palestinian problem?’ and discuss the New Middle East a year after the first flotilla and in the wake of the Arab Spring.

Turkey, whose citizens were attacked by Israeli soldiers in international high waters, 72 miles away from the Gazan coast, took the lead in protests and condemnation.

Any regional conflict in the Balkans, would not only allow the countries to drift into turmoil, but would also threaten the security of Europe. 


Yıldız Technıcal Unıversıty Facult Of Economıcs And Admınıstratıve Scıences Seta 100 Anniversary Of Yildiz Technical University Mıddle East And Securıty-II

Relevance of quot Turkish Model quot in the Middle East

Relevance of "Turkish Model" in the Middle East

INSIGHT TURKEY DEBATES   Chair:     İhsan Dağı, Insight Turkey    Speakers:    Kemal Kirişci, Boğaziçi University     Alper Dede, Zirve University      Date: June 2, 2011 Thursday  Saat: 14.00-16.00  Venue: SETA, Ankara


Despite a historical affinity between Israelis, Turks, strong interaction between people, NGOs, think-tanks was never established, that’s exactly what we need.

The majority of the actors, particularly those who are closely related to the Syrian crisis, do not really talk about Syria even when they are speaking about Syria.

Returning to Tunisia after 20 years in exile,the opposition leader Ghannouchi said Turkey provided political inspiration.

Turkish PM Recep Tayyip Erdogan addressed in Ankara that Hosni Mubarak should listen to the demands of the Egyptian people.