Constitutional Framework of Executive Presidency in Turkey

The analysis will examine the outstanding features of the constitutional design in pursuit of executive presidency in addition to the historical background of the transformation.

Constitutional Framework of Executive Presidency in Turkey
Diyarbakır Meeting Clears Doubts among Kurdish Voters

Diyarbakır Meeting Clears Doubts among Kurdish Voters

President Erdoğan's Diyarbakır meeting played a big role in changing the way that Turkey's Kurds, who are indifferent toward the proposed changes, think about the April vote


Most of the prominent figures in Turkish politics, including former presidents Turgut Özal and Süleyman Demirel, suggested a governmental change in Turkey due to the difficulty in establishing coalition governments in the country.

If the 'no' campaign wins the constitutional referendum, the circles seeking to damage Turkey's national interests will find a gateway to meddle in Turkish politics

CHP spread fear and fuel hatred against Muslims, immigrants and refugees. They resort to racism. As such, Mr. Kılıçdaroğlu appears to have positioned himself as the Turkey branch of European far-right extremism.

With the April 16 constitutional referendum just three weeks away, both sides have fielded their heavyweights as part of a last-ditch effort to impress voters. The interference of European politicians and media outlets in the referendum in support of the "no" campaign completely politicized the process.

Turkey's Referendum Is a Litmus Test for European Democracy

The referendum campaign for a presidential system, which represents perhaps the most internationalized electoral contest in Turkey's political history, has also turned into a litmus test for the democratic credentials of key European countries

Turkey's Referendum Is a Litmus Test for European Democracy
EU Sides with 'No' Campaign ahead of Turkey Referendum

EU Sides with 'No' Campaign ahead of Turkey Referendum

European countries' open support to the ‘no' campaign in the Turkish referendum will have an adverse effect on the camp opposing the constitutional reform


The argument from the ‘no' camp that claims the opposition to the referendum is the same as fighting the War of Independence will certainly backfire

A look at how the sequence of political crises have harmed Turkey for years is enough to show why Turkey needs to take this reform step in the April referendum

In a nutshell, the opposition's campaign rhetoric for the April referendum is a repetition of its obsessive anti-Erdoğan rhetoric, while those in favor of switching to the presidential system are able to clarify what the change will bring to Turkey

New systems of government are a practical necessity, rather than a matter of ideological preference.