Ahead Of 2019 Race, Opposition Leaders Repeating Past Mistakes

Compared to 2014, the opposition will have a more difficult time finding a suitable candidate for their joint campaign.

Ahead Of 2019 Race Opposition Leaders Repeating Past Mistakes
Will The AK Party Part Ways With 'Islamists'

Will The AK Party Part Ways With 'Islamists'?

In recent years, Mr. Erdoğan has included the common themes of conservatism, nationalism and Islamism, the main pillars of Turkish politics, in his discourse and policies to the best of his ability and under the prevailing conditions.


All major political movements in Turkey have already started planning for the 2019 election

With the end of the referendum process, Turkey enters a new phase that necessitates important steps in a smooth transition from a hybrid system to a presidential system.

It would be very wrong to compare the April vote with previous constitutional reforms, which were forcefully created by the representatives of the coup tradition

This critical referendum aimed at fixing a system that has been generating significant crises for Turkey's governance.

Turkey Votes for Its Future

The constitutional vote on Sunday constitutes Turkey's best solution to its years-long political, governing and democratic problems

Turkey Votes for Its Future
What Sunday's Vote Means for Turkey

What Sunday's Vote Means for Turkey

If the ‘yes' vote wins in Sunday's referendum, Turkey will get rid of the tutelage in its politics, which is the root cause of the country's chronic crises


Turkey will have adopted a new system of government capable of overcoming parliamentarianism's structural crises when the vote count ends

Turkish people are really fed up with the stereotyped opposition news against their country by certain Western media outlets such as the recent one by the Economist

The CHP leadership wants to make sure that President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan won't be able to get re-elected even if Turkey adopts a presidential system of government

This commentary analyzes the question of political transformation in Turkey, which has been a hotly debated issue for more than 40 years.