THE WAR CRIMES OF ARMENIA | International Law and The Military Acts of Armenia In and Around Karabakh

This analysis discusses the violations of international humanitarian laws committed by Armenia since September 27, 2020 in the occupied Azerbaijani lands.

THE WAR CRIMES OF ARMENIA International Law and The Military
The March 31 Local Elections in Turkey

The March 31 Local Elections in Turkey

This analysis explains the March 2019 local election’s significance to Turkish politics and concentrates on the ways in which the visions of various political parties for local government have changed over the years.


This book analyzes various aspects of the presidential system of government in Turkey. It provides a detailed summary of the public debate on the transformation of Turkey’s political system along with the arguments made by advocates and opponents of change.

In recent years, the main discourse of the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) has been to be "National and Native."

Clearly, the primary meaning of Erdoğan's quest for comprehensive change is to give some officials who have been carrying out demanding tasks for a long time an opportunity to rest by letting them hand over their positions to successors.

As long as the AK Party continues to blend a commitment to transforming Turkey and an eagerness to protect it from attacks, the opposition will continue to feel inadequate

Collapse of Yenikapı Consensus, the Symbol of United Turkey?

The positive atmosphere following the Yenikapı rally against the July 15 coup attempt where all leading political party representatives and their supporters came from various political backgrounds, was a great opportunity for a better future in Turkey, yet the CHP leader unfortunately chose to stay out of this unity

Collapse of Yenikapı Consensus the Symbol of United Turkey
Two Major Challenges Facing the AK Party

Two Major Challenges Facing the AK Party

We already know that certain people at home and abroad are willing to resort to anti-democratic methods to end Erdoğan's rule.


It does not make sense for the U.S. and the EU to problematize their relations with Turkey on an ideological basis; instead, they need a new perspective that focuses on rational interests and long-term stability in the region

The July 15 coup attempt in Turkey can be described as an operation that was made as part of the global war on Islam

Ahead of Turkey's 2019 elections, the country will be compelled to deal with domestic and international challenges.

Just because they think it serves Erdoğan's interests, Westerners and the opposition are trying to discredit the Turkish people's great resistance against the coup attempt on July 15