Remembering the July 15 Resistance

The moments of people from all backgrounds standing united against coup forces last July will be remembered by future generations as the proudest moments in Turkey's history

Remembering the July 15 Resistance
To Uphold and Preserve Legacy of July 15

To Uphold and Preserve Legacy of July 15

The legacy of July 15, which brought together people from various backgrounds for the sake of Turkey's future, must be kept alive for the next generations


The treatment of the protesters that night and the violence they inflicted on Turkish society was a sign of what a dreadful regime they wanted to build after the takeover of the government.

Kılıçdaroğlu opted to polarize society in an attempt to have Erdoğan voted out of power in the next election cycle.

With the first anniversary of last summer's coup attempt – one of the most significant events in the history of Turkey's multi-party democracy – around the corner, all parties must act with due care and vigilance. Both security forces and protesters need to act responsibly

Today, the AK Party no longer has to try and prove its legitimacy. After all, it was the party's ability to survive the smear campaigns that shaped its brand of politics.

The AK Party's New Agenda with Erdoğan

Erdoğan's road map in the AK Party will open a new era that disables the former crises to be repeated

The AK Party's New Agenda with Erdoğan
Erdoğan AK Party Seek to Strike Balance between Reform 'Struggle'

Erdoğan, AK Party Seek to Strike Balance between Reform, 'Struggle'

The AK Party has taken sufficient courage from President Erdoğan's return, feeling more confident to renew itself with new reforms for the future of Turkey


The AK Party's insistence for dynamism and change will help refresh itself in the new period under the leadership of Erdoğan

President Erdogan’s accomplished performance of development in many areas such as reforms, development, energy and trade since 2003, is AK Party’s main advantage in the next period.

The post-congress transformation of Turkey's political economy will move along the axes of high economic growth and developmentalism, institutional and structural reforms and political normalization

Compared to 2014, the opposition will have a more difficult time finding a suitable candidate for their joint campaign.