Mapping Turkey's Future

People who try to force another secularist regime down the throat of the Middle East need to take a step back and face the fact that it will take religious legitimacy, as opposed to secularism, to overcome sectarian clashes.

Mapping Turkey's Future
Why We Are Discussing the Presidential System Again

Why We Are Discussing the Presidential System Again

Turkey is reinvigorating its quest for a democratic presidential system that can meet its requirements. Political circles will be intensively engaged in presidential system models in the upcoming days


Each leader made some fundamental decisions about the country's direction and therefore the only meaningful comparison between them is how they consolidated power

Today, the PKK is working to create a civil war in Turkey to secure its presence not only in Turkey but also in Syria

The current discussion ongoing with a focus on FETÖ's confessions is turning into an interrogation that attributes the crimes of an unprecedented totalitarian and operational structure to other Islamic factions.

The justice and the mutual sense of trust is the key to the effectiveness of institutions and living together.

The Triumph of Turkish Democracy: The July 15 Coup Attempt And Its Aftermath

The aim of this book is to overcome the prejudice and the misunderstanding against Turkey by analysing the events that took place on that night and the developments that followed.

The Triumph of Turkish Democracy The July 15 Coup Attempt
Failed Coups and Their Aftermaths European Examples

Failed Coups and Their Aftermaths: European Examples

Spain and Greece followed the same path in the transition to democracy after a failed coup. The EU made some concessions to promote their memberships. However, when it comes to Turkey, the EU seems not to take any responsible steps.


After the failure of the coup attempt, it was revealed that the coup makers already had a list of people that they planned to assassinate or execute.

As the HDP has become rather marginal after the attempted coup, the PKK and Gülenist Terror Cult (FETÖ) have been identified as the two enemies for the country's security and future.

The coup attempt last month has opened new windows of opportunity for Turkey, and foreign observers should seize this opportunity to unlearn everything that they pretend to know - or think they know - about the country

How did the media in a number of Western European countries cover the military coup attempt of July 15 and the terrorist attacks in France? What is the role of Islamophobia and Orientalism in the Western media coverage of the military coup attempt in Turkey?