Side Effects of the July 15 Coup Attempt

In the aftermath of July 15, we can see that an environment of peace, normalization and dialogue has appeared in Turkey's politics.

Side Effects of the July 15 Coup Attempt
Turkish People Should Get the Nobel Peace Prize

Turkish People Should Get the Nobel Peace Prize

15th July was a night full of lessons for the people studying nonviolent movement around the world


Turkish people from different political backgrounds, President Erdoğan and the government stood in harmony against those who wanted to establish a dictatorship through military power

The cleansing of FETÖ elements from institutions is absolutely essential to guarantee the effective operation of state apparatuses

On the night of July 15, the Turkish people showed the entire world that they have the capacity to protect and defend their democracy, liberties, values and lifestyles

The liquidation of the FETÖ not only means getting rid of a terrorist organization, it also means eliminating a handy lever that has a significant response in other initiatives that have been experienced over the past three years.

Turkey’s Thwarted Military Coup Attempt and the Media: A New Visual Front for Resistance

Thanks to the mobilizing force of the new communication tools, the people went out in the streets in their epic struggle against the junta.

Turkey s Thwarted Military Coup Attempt and the Media A
Turkey Post-Coup Attempt

Turkey Post-Coup Attempt

After the failure of the attempted coup, we started to learn about the number of generals and commanders who participated, which further shocked Turkish public opinion.


The coup attempt was unorthodox because it was executed outside of the chain of command, i.e. not by orders from the central command of the Chief of Staff, but rather by military units controlled by Gülenist coup plotters from different divisions within the military

The people of Turkey who came face to face with tanks and armed soldiers on the streets and who witnessed the murders of civilians feel a true sense of resentment toward the dogmatic comments from American and British media

We can say that the organization enacted a three-stage plan on the night of July 15.

That night, the turbulence we have been experiencing for the last three years climbed to its peak. We have entered a period in which the consolidation of our democracy cannot be revoked