US reaction is harder to understand than Russian motivation in Syria

The reason behind Washington's silence over the latest reports, claiming that Russia's bombings in Syria were not against ISIS troops as Putin claims, but against Syrian moderate groups whose weapons are supplied by the CIA, still remains a mystery.

US reaction is harder to understand than Russian motivation in
The New Cold War in Syria and Turkey's Position

The New Cold War in Syria and Turkey's Position

After five years of civil war, a huge influx of foreign fighters, and lots of sophisticated global power meddling, Syria is beginning to crystallize as the stage of the New Cold War between Putin's embattled Russia and Obama's ‘U.S. with a human face' on Turkey's doorsteps.


Once Putin realized the added benefits of enmity toward ISIS for Russia's interests, he started making exaggerated anti-ISIS statements to provide enough legitimacy for his country's involvement in the Syrian conflict.

The PKK's terror, which ended the reconciliation process despite the state's wishes and efforts, and the HDP's supportive statements of this terror seem to shape the electorate's behavior in the Nov. 1 elections.

The latest anti-terror meetings have made it quite clear that all sides, with the exclusion of the PKK and HDP, believe it is the common fate of both Turks and Kurds to share the same land, values, religion and tradition.

Mr. Putin is planning to showcase his military's power in the Middle East and the Mediterranean.

Russia in Syria: Any Relation with Ukraine and Iran?

With the West's silence over the terror of the Assad regime and now the Russian government's military support to Syria, the atmosphere is perfect for everything to go as Assad wishes.

Russia in Syria Any Relation with Ukraine and Iran
Russia in Syria The Dangers of Military Involvement

Russia in Syria: The Dangers of Military Involvement

Russian involvement in Syria can cause the intensification of the civil war and increase the number of causalities and refugees.
