Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu : The Involuntary Frontman of a Half-Hearted Alliance

Keeping all above-mentioned scenarios in mind, the only certain thing about the upcoming presidential election is that the main opposition CHP's decision to endorse a candidate with no ideological affinity to the party organization will result in a prolonged controversy.

Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu The Involuntary Frontman of a Half-Hearted Alliance
What is next for ISIS and Maliki

What is next for ISIS and Maliki?

It will again depend on the Maliki administration to turn this situation to its advantage. Changing track and following a more inclusive policy and an attempt to win hearts and minds of people in Iraq will be his best chance to stay in power.


The difficulty with dealing with ISIS is also partly because of its demographics which has a lot to do with the use of multiple strategies.

The attack on Mosul and the fall of the second-largest city in Iraq may also have some serious consequences regarding the future of international and regional relations in the region.

What do the Crimean Tatars mean for the region? Why did Russia take such a dramatic step as annexation, and what does Russia expect from this? Where does Turkey stand on this issue?

AKP will retain power in Turkey only if it consolidates its party institutions and expands its constituency.

No Way Back From Reformism

A critical political juncture in the wake of presidential and general elections will be held within less than a year.

No Way Back From Reformism
Beyond Intellectual Neocolonialism

Beyond Intellectual Neocolonialism

Turkey has enough academic and intellectual capacity to identify the inconsistencies embedded in these biased neocolonial interventions. For fair and patient observers, Turkey continues to be a story of hope and transformative dynamism.


In the years after the AKP came to power in November 2002, however, an active struggle against the military-bureaucratic grip on politics led to the eradication of the old regime and a gradual democratisation of the political system.

Is Assad really winning the war? And what does the victory look like for a regime that destroys its own country and has killed almost 200,000 people?

The discourse of "new Turkey" has repeatedly appeared during historical turning points of the Turkish Republic. It is used for the sake of different interests by local and foreign circles.

The criminalization of the Gülen Movement in the context of the struggle with the parallel structure might conclude with the other-ization of the movement.

Consequently, our political discussions cannot seem to free themselves from Kemalism and Third Worldism, which consist of two factors.

What is more important is that if the struggling actors switch to embracing and democratic statements, it is possible they will have already lost credibility in the eyes of the public.

The Gülen Movement represents an informal political force in Turkey that holds the country’s political leadership at gunpoint.

Which approach has shaped Iran’s understanding of foreign policy after the Revolution? What are the basic approaches to Iran’s “interest-based” foreign policy?

Since January 2011, Arab regimes have also employed the terrorism card to maintain their grip on government.