Iraq: A Quest for a New Political Balance

Held in an environment of weak political process, the 2013 local elections were pale in comparison with other elections and specifically reminded of the 2005 local polls boycotted by the Sunni Arab community.

Iraq A Quest for a New Political Balance
The Revenge of the Tahrir Revolution

The Revenge of the Tahrir Revolution

In a period where the models of administration for the Islamic world are opened to discussion, the model of one of the rooted movements of the world, the Muslim Brotherhood, is not given an opportunity to be tested.


The Islamist identity of Morsi and his party seems to be the major reason for the reticence of the international community and media in defining this coup a coup!

SETA presents the analyses of SETA experts on Egypt in order to better understand the transformation process in Egypt which began on January 25, 2011 and the overthrow of Mohamed Morsi by the military coup on July 3, 2013.

Reconciliation of the parties, at this point, means either the resignation of President Morsi or an early election for the presidency.

As Rouhani is a moderate man of reconciliation and dialogue, expectations about adopting a different line of politics in Iran have increased both inside and outside.

5 Questions: KHamanei's Fine Calculated Political Moves

Abdullah Yegin*: The possibility of fine calculated moves of the Ayetollah should not be overlooked.

5 Questions KHamanei's Fine Calculated Political Moves
Turkey Distress' in Syria

‘Turkey Distress' in Syria!

Most of the evaluations that have been made by the media and political circles regarding Turkish foreign policy in Syria have three characteristics in common: They are void of Syria, baseless and conspiratorial.


The Arab Gulf countries have caused the prolongation of the Baath regimeÂ’s life by not providing strong support to the Syrian opposition and by instigating segregations.

With the occupation in Iraq, the primitive Middle Eastern eco-system, and with the Arab revolts, the Camp David order collapsed. The new regional order is being rapidly shaped by the new actors at the cost of the century-old status quo.

The messages coming from the Imrali during the solution process reflect the efforts for creating a new conceptual frame to settle in the legitimate-center.

The United States (US) and the West wait to see clearly who will win and when in Syria. While waiting, however, they lose both in Syria and in the region.

During the Feb.28 post-modern coup process, the judiciary was pressured via briefings. Prosecutors and judges who did not rule as they were asked from them were relegated.

One of the fundamental issues and the source of ‘fear’ for many in the West after the revolution in Egypt was a possible radical change in the foreign policy area. But what has changed in the foreign policy of Egypt after the revolution?

By creating restricted political openings, as was the case in the early 1990s, the king intended to coopt some opposition parties, which had been previously excluded from the political system.

The military regime, after having kept its cool during the revolution and the parliamentary elections, went on the offensive right before the presidential elections and intervened in politics.

The majority of those who claim that the Arab Spring has become an Arab Winter due to the violence that erupted in reaction to the obscene movie also happen to think that the Arab Spring itself was a motion picture.

Iran has to change its perspective on the region if it really wants to become a determining factor in the region post-al-Assad.

The results of this litmus test will be utilized in the new Middle East numerous times!