The Question of Muslim Nationalism

Does the civilization discourse of the AK Party, which ended the exclusion of religious Muslims and the Kurds from the public sphere, produce a form of, albeit more inclusive, nationalism?

The Question of Muslim Nationalism
The AK Party's Political Identity

The AK Party's Political Identity

What the AK Party needs now is a new definition of identity in line with the requirements of constructing the "new" Turkey to complete its political visions.


A mild and inclusive civilization discourse is required to prompt the human capital of all segments of social life. The key point is the institutionalization of Erdoğan's policies through an active reconciliation.

Erdoğan's victory on Aug. 10, coupled with Davutoğlu's emergence as the AK Party's new chairman, proved the opposition's attempts futile.

However, in order to marginalize ISIS in its countries of operation a more comprehensive policy that would diminish its power and influence in Syria simultaneously with Iraq is needed.

The Turkish people not only elected Erdogan, but they also voted against the founding ideology of the Republic.

When the Risks of Inaction are More Than the Potential Dangers of Action

We will see in the coming days if these operations in Iraq are some face saving measures for the Obama administration or a real attempt by the U.S. administration to start fulfilling its great power responsibilities.

When the Risks of Inaction are More Than the Potential
Does the Islamic World Really Exist

Does the Islamic World Really Exist?

What really is the so-called Islamic world? How accurate is it to describe a group of Muslim countries, incapable of taking charge of their future and resolving their own issues, as the Islamic world?


Concerted action against repeated and unlawful aggression on the part of Israel, which behaves like an "anachronic colonial state," should start from demystification of its endless power perception and alleviation of various fears in the Muslim world.

How has the rebellion against the Maliki administration in Iraq started? Who are the Sunni groups other than ISIS fighting in the field? What is the ultimate goal of these groups?

A successful transition in Iraq towards stability will require meangingful decentralisation, an equitable plan for oil revenue distribution - and a lot of compromise on all sides.

Unlike in the aftermath of World War I, none but the Middle East's own children are to blame for the turmoil that the region experiences today.

Whatever happens in the presidential elections and the general elections that will follow, the Turkish economy is robust against political uncertainties and international pressures.

The turbulent and unstable state of the Middle East invites us to reconsider every possible option in order to reach longstanding stability and cooperation.

Obama and his team understood that public opinion has been heavily affected by "war fatigue" after two lengthy wars in the Middle East and avoiding any more conflict in the region has become priority.

Having agreed to nominate Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu as their joint candidate, the opposition parties have successfully taken a first step. We will have ample time to analyze whether or not he can live up to the expectations over the coming weeks.

No need to say that this will create a substantial additional bill for energy-dependent countries like Turkey, and multi-pronged strategies shall be prepared beforehand to ensure energy security.