Texas Shooting and Islamophobia

Today, every person and institution that claims to represent Islam and each American of any religion who tries to create peaceful co-existence has to find prudent ways to deal with the discourse of hatred posed by Islamophobia.

Texas Shooting and Islamophobia
Morsi's Death Sentence

Morsi's Death Sentence

The Arab Spring represented the hope of democratization across the Middle East. Had the Tahrir revolution survived, the Muslim world could have had an entirely different future.


So far the Obama administration's Middle East policy ignited the polarization between Gulf nations and Iran further. Thus, it remains a big challenge for the U.S. to end regional turmoil through diplomatic means anytime soon.

As the HDP lacks necessary experience to focus on religion and popular demands in their election campaigns, it is impossible for the Kurdish political movement to compete with the AK Party at the national level

The government is doing its best to prevent unlawful efforts within the judiciary, yet the Gülen Movement seems interested in casting a shadow over the performance of Turkish democracy at the international level.

Thanks to the spread of social media and the excessive number of news outlets around the world, in the last few election campaigns, people around the world have started to become more familiar with the main debates in U.S. politics.

Overcoming Sectarian Tensions in the Middle East

Turkey seeks to find a way out of sectarian clashes to mobilize support against ongoing attempts to divide the Islamic world amid conflicts in the Middle East

Overcoming Sectarian Tensions in the Middle East
Saving the Day and Repeating the Same Mistakes in Egypt

Saving the Day and Repeating the Same Mistakes in Egypt

Last week the U.S. lifted its arms embargo on Egypt that was imposed after the military coup. After changing its tone regarding Assad in Syria, the U.S. is again sacrificing possible peace in the region in exchange for short term gains and interests


U.S. foreign policy failed to come up with a policy that would pressure Iran to play a more responsible role in Yemen. As a result of this inaction, other countries in the surrounding region became involved in the situation militarily.

Reduced to a sectarian conflict by many, the “danger of Iran” must be evaluated as a security issue affecting both political and physical assets of the Gulf countries.

If Japanese foreign policymakers want to have an autonomous foreign policy, they need to find innovative ways to lower the impact of these limitations and respond to the potential skepticism that may arise in public opinion in regards to the goals and missions of this foreign policy.

The Syrian war is no longer a regional problem, it has transformed into a major global issue.

The fact that Shiite militants pose no threat to Western capitals represents the main reason why Washington chooses to ignore the risks, including acts of violence against the Sunni population in Syria and Iraq.

Turkey could not manage to stay out of the new Syria-centered cold war environment despite all its efforts. There are three important reasons for this.

The Palestinian cause and Israeli aggression were at the heart of both former Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser's popularity and the Iranian revolution's efforts to take down the status quo.

The tragedy in Syria necessitates Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Qatar to leave aside these disagreements and deal with this issue together.

Relocating the Ottoman tomb in Syria was necessary to diminish risks of dragging Turkey into a conflict in the war-torn region and it is not realistic to expect total clearence of ISIS anytime soon, says regional expert Ulutaş.

There is something almost legendary going on in Turkey in regard to the Syrian refugees. This amazing work by AFAD and local nongovernmental organizations deserves better international recognition.

Nobody can justify terror but the root cause is a reflection of a western-centric discourse and is extremely worrying. Defending freedom, human rights, and dignity of people requires sincerity and it cannot be hidden under the guise of political projects.