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Energy Supply Security and the Southern Gas Corridor

Energy Supply Security and the Southern Gas Corridor

This analysis focuses on the concept of energy supply security and SGC project that have been developed to provide energy supply security with Turkmenistan, Iran, KRG, and the East Mediterranean.

In the 21st century, natural gas has become a strategic source , one of the most discussed and a “top of the agenda” item with its advanteges and risks. Increasing cost and import of natural gas to an unsustainable level in the EU countries have brought the issue of energy supply security into the European agenda, as Russia exploits the dependecny of Europe on Russian natural gas. In short, the EU countries seek new alternatives in the face of the Russian – Ukrainian dispute and Russian threat against Ukraine to cut the gas flow in the absence of an agreement.

South Gas Corridor (SGC) is gaining in importance day by day for EU, heading towards different supplies, and for Turkey who aims to take more effective role in the new market. Inauguration of TANAP and TAP, planned to transfer Azeri natural gas found in the Caspian Region to Europe via Turkey, is important in terms of supply security both for Turkey and Europe. As a transit country in energy and a bridge betwe¬en the East with the West , Turkey has been presented with golden opportunities by these projects to become an energy hub and an actor in the region.

This analysis focuses on the concept of energy supply security in addition to the functions and features of the SGC project that have been developed to provide energy supply security with Turkmenistan, Iran, KRG, and the East Mediterranean as examples of countries supporting the SGC project. In addition to the analysıs of the political and economic implications of the SGC project through the perspectives of the EU countries and Turkey, there will be some suggestions about the same topic.

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