Azerbaijan and the Rise of Turkic Unity: The Journey of the Organization of Turkic States

This commentary delves into the evolution of the Organization of Turkic States (OTS), highlighting its transformation from a consultative mechanism to a robust international entity with geostrategic significance. The paper examines key developments such as the Shusha Declaration, the impact of the Second Karabakh War, and the strategic partnership among Turkic states in the context of global geopolitical dynamics. The paper focuses on Azerbaijan’s vision of the development of the Turkic unity, some historical aspects, which preceded the idea of the Turkic unity, and contemporary trends in the regional and global politics, which gave impetus to the enhancement of the OTS. The conclusion highlights the importance of Turkic unity as it stands out more prominently in the complex geopolitical environment and posits that trends make it necessary to strengthen and develop cooperation among the Turkic states.

Azerbaijan and the Rise of Turkic Unity The Journey of
Erdoğan's quest for trilateral Syria diplomacy

Erdoğan's quest for trilateral Syria diplomacy

There is no doubt that Türkiye has assumed the most influential role in the international arena since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. That role has two aspects. First, the Turks managed to take one of the few positive steps amid the Ukraine crisis by facilitating the grain deal and a prisoner exchange. Indeed, President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s diplomatic achievements attracted plenty of global attention in 2022. Secondly, Türkiye made attempts at conflict resolution whilst seizing geopolitical opportunities created by the Ukraine crisis better than any other country.


Since the first instances of the eruption of the Russia-Ukraine crisis, President Erdoğan has sought common ground and balance for both sides, which only aims to further peace

he latest clashes between Azerbaijan and Armenia in the Tovuz region on July 12 rather than drawing attention to the historic hostilities between the two nations underlined the area's geopolitical importance. The strategic location of this region as a crucial energy trade hub constitutes the main reason for such attention.

TurkStream substantially contributes to bringing to the foreground an aspect of energy sources that strengthens cooperation and provides economic benefit rather than conflict.

With Hungary, Bulgaria and Serbia to depend on TurkStream, Turkey’s importance to increase in terms of energy security

Geo-economics of energy in the Eastern Mediterranean

In a world of intensifying international economic competition, neo-protectionism and aggressive growth, energy efficiency and procurement security rapidly turn into matters of prevalent national interest.

Geo-economics of energy in the Eastern Mediterranean
Toward the Post-Crisis Energy Mix

Toward the Post-Crisis Energy Mix

For Turkey, as a dynamic, emerging economy, to increase its growth it needs a renewed strategy for investments into the energy market, but this may require changing its current partners in the field.


The global history of development reminds us that all rising economic powers tried to penetrate the European and American markets at some point along their particular trajectory, and Turkey is no exception to this rule.

TANAP will fundamentally change the energy equation in Turkey. They will also carry peace, security and stability from the Caspian to the heartlands of Anatolia and on to Europe, thereby constituting the groundwork for the formation of a more integrated regional political economy.

The spring issue of Insight Turkey invites individual paper contributions that address Turkey's energy security relations within the changing dynamics of regional security system.

If TANAP and Turkish Stream successfully create the expected synergy, Turkey will become both a regional energy hub and a major player in global energy diplomacy.

This analysis focuses on the concept of energy supply security and SGC project that have been developed to provide energy supply security with Turkmenistan, Iran, KRG, and the East Mediterranean.