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PKK Proxies or Operatives behind Ankara Explosion

PKK Proxies or Operatives behind Ankara Explosion

The timing, the place and the conditions were very well coordinated, said Köse who believes that “most likely, either a smaller part of the PKK, a secret body, or the PKK with the support of another intelligence or secret service” was behind it.

A car bomb targeting buses carrying military personnel in Turkish capital Ankara killed 28 and injured 61 on Wednesday, February 17, 2016. Differently from the previous others, the explosion was carried out in the heart of the Turkish security establishment, at the very capital of the Turkish government and the center of the security apparatus. Following the incident that occurred during evening rush hour near armed forces headquarters and lodgings, Talha Köse, a researcher at SETA, gave TRT World his insight on the blast in Ankara. The timing, the place and the conditions were very well coordinated, said Köse who believes that "most likely, either a smaller part of the PKK, a secret body, or the PKK with the support of another intelligence or secret service" was behind it. It does not bear the hallmarks of neither the outlawed Kurdish terror organization PKK nor DAESH, although DAESH also attack people and tries to spread fear among ordinary people. But some smaller group(s) within the PKK may be involved in this, he specified.
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