Podcast: Russia-Ukraine War | A Two-Year Review

Russia-Ukraine War | A Two-Year Review

Podcast Russia-Ukraine War A Two-Year Review
Podcast Türkiye Voted Domestic and International Implications

Podcast: Türkiye Voted | Domestic and International Implications

Türkiye Voted | Domestic and International Implications


The recently-improved capacity of Türkiye’s defense industry and the country’s active policies will play an important role in the search for a new security architecture

Experts discussed ongoing Russia's war in Ukraine and shared their expectations over the course of the war as part of a session of the Turkish national broadcaster TRT's World Forum on Saturday.

Türkiye has developed 'significant capabilities' to solve conflicts surrounding country, says general coordinator of Ankara based-think tank SETA

The Assistant Editor of Insight Turkey and Researcher of SETA Foundation, Gloria Shkurti Özdemir, attended Strait Talk program which appears in the TRT World screen, to talk about the Pentagon Report’s statement on United States 7 billion dollars’ worth of military equipment left in Afghanistan last year.

Experts Respond: The Meaning of the UAE Crown Prince’s Visit to Turkey | What to Expect?

On the eve of the meeting between Erdoğan and MBZ, questions about possible issues that may be discussed and the meeting’s impact on bilateral and regional affairs have been discussed in media debates. Given that, experts in the field have contemplated these questions and have provided their opinions regarding the meeting.

Experts Respond The Meaning of the UAE Crown Prince s
After escalation in Idlib what s next for Turkey-Russia relations

After escalation in Idlib, what’s next for Turkey-Russia relations?

The Turkish-Russian ceasefire in Syria has run its course, setting the stage for confrontation between Ankara and Moscow if a new buffer to smoothen tensions isn’t achieved.


Ankara's foreign policy moves are not motivated by maximalist claims, but a geopolitical necessity to protect its security, interests

Ankara-based think tank hosts virtual conference to seek way forward for peace in war-torn Afghanistan

SETA Security Researcher Bilgehan Öztürk commented on the fall of Maarrat al-Numan to Syrian regime forces on TRT World.

Turkey's local election campaigning took on the tone and tenor of general elections this year, and survival was the predominant theme in President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's campaign discourse.

Local elections in Turkey are taking on the character of general elections as foreign policy comes to dominate the conversation.

President Erdogan said the US withdrawal from Syria must be planned carefully and with the right partners, and that Ankara was counting on the international community to stand with Turkey in its commitment to eliminating terror in Syria.

Trump tweeted victory over Daesh and said he was pulling US troops from Syria. Turkey and Russia have welcomed the decision. France and the UK say they're staying engaged. The US withdrawal could change the balance of forces in the Syrian war.

The US has announced that its operation against Daesh is over and that it will withdraw from Syria, after Turkey revealed its plans for an operation in the country.

The Director of European Studies at SETA Foundation, Enes Bayraklı commented on the crises that Europe is facing lately and the yellow vest protest in France which are directly related to these crises.

President Erdogan: “There are many things that we can contribute to the European Union. They may have things to contribute to us but what should be done is, I suppose, to consult with 81 million people [in Turkey] and see what they will decide.”

President Trump's foreign policy approach and rhetoric suggest that the United States will stick to a particularly crude brand of unilateralism permanently.

Operation Olive Branch conducted by Turkey has proved that following the defeat of Daesh, there is no need for the presence of the PKK's Syrian offshoot the People's Protection Units (YPG) in the region, experts said in a panel titled, "The Political and Military Consequences of the Afrin Operation" organized by the Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA) in Ankara.

Rebels counter-attack in fight for Syrian air base