The Policy of the YPG in Syria Is Controversial

Since US supports YPG-PYD and Russia supports regime forces, the policy of PYD-YPG in terms of handing over territory to the regime will not continue for a long time.

The Policy of the YPG in Syria Is Controversial
Forgetting the Suffering of Syrian Refugees

Forgetting the Suffering of Syrian Refugees

Refugees whose lives were threatened in Syria now face a different problem in some European countries, such as rising far-right political parties and their determination to use anti-refugee rhetoric in their campaigns.


Under the circumstances, Turkey should be expected to use new hard power instruments in Syria.

Surprising developments are afoot in the world. A terrorist organisation that claims to be Muslim is shedding blood around the world, including in Turkey.

Despite declaring himself on many occasions as the best anti-Obama figure, Trump unfortunately seems to maintain the brutal drone policies that were aimed at killing innocent people and adopted by Obama during his term in office

The paper addresses the possible scenarios which might unfold in the post-DAESH era in Iraq and the Middle East.

2017: A Critical Year for Counter-Terrorism

Unless we come up with a comprehensive plan to fight and defeat terrorism in the region, European capitals will continue to fear the next terror attack

2017 A Critical Year for Counter-Terrorism
A Futile Attempt to Force Turks into Submission

A Futile Attempt to Force Turks into Submission

By attacking a popular nightclub in Istanbul, the terrorists wanted Turkish people to accept defeat but the only way out of the current situation is to keep going forward


The assassination of the Russian ambassador to Turkey cannot be discussed without taking the national, regional and global developments and conjuncture into consideration

Turkish Special Forces took up the challenge and showed the world that they represent the most effective ground force that could fight Daesh in the battlefield

How many victims of the terrorist attacks in Turkey or other countries would be enough to push the international community to say 'stop' the deadly terror groups and fight on the ground against them?

The same people who hailed the PKK as a merry band of revolutionaries might soon have to face the fact that they were in bed with terrorists all along.