This Coup Attempt Is So Complicated with Its Structure and Infrastructure

In order to deal with this Gülenist threat, Turkey has to get into the details and contain all segments of this issue.

This Coup Attempt Is So Complicated with Its Structure and
Turkey s Stillborn Junta Coup Attempt Process Responses And Prospects

Turkey’s Stillborn Junta Coup Attempt: Process, Responses And Prospects

The paper focuses on the consequences and influences of the 15th July military coup attempt in the context of Turkey’s near political future.


The attack on Istanbul’s Ataturk airport in June 2016 indicates that the ISIS threat to Turkey is transforming from a sole criminal issue to a long-term strategic concern.

Turkish citizens who live in the bordering cities feel anxious. These fears trigger skepticism and may lead to polarization among different identity groups in Turkey.

Turkish citizens who live in the bordering cities feel anxious. These fears trigger skepticism and may lead to polarization among different identity groups in Turkey.

Political commentators who like to complain that the AK Party does not want peace are missing three crucial things…

The Rise of Secular Radicalization and the PKK

Ongoing practices of radicalization in Turkey, such as the PKK, which promote terror and violent extremism, may set a helpful example to understand the secular trait of radicalization.

The Rise of Secular Radicalization and the PKK
Syrian Opposition And Al-Rai

Syrian Opposition And Al-Rai

Without much assistance from the international community the opposition forces lost a lot of ground to DAESH. Thus the opposition was never considered a viable option in the fight against DAESH or the regime.


The anti-DAESH campaign conducted by the global community is far from well-coordination and only serves the terror organization's interests

Europe proved to be extremely ineffective and inefficient in dealing with the refugee crises, and to not perpetuate its mistakes it needs to adopt a new security framework to deal with the increasing threat of terrorism

The global community needs to stop pointing the finger at transnational terrorism as an excuse for everything and sit at the solution table to find the root cause of this international threat

In recent months, it has been interesting to see opposition pundits who were initially critical of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's assessment that the two groups were one and the same slowly reach the same conclusion.