The Road to July 15 in the Turkish Armed Forces and Combat Effectiveness in Its Aftermath

Analysis will scrutinize the challenges and probable courses to steer the TAF out of the current dilemmas, and will offer a perspective on the combat readiness and the transformation of the civil-military relation in the post-July 15 Turkey.

The Road to July 15 in the Turkish Armed Forces
July 15 Coup Attempt in Turkey Context Causes and Consequences

July 15 Coup Attempt in Turkey: Context, Causes and Consequences

The book presents different perspectives focusing on political, economic, sociological and psychological aspects of the factors leading up to, the events during and aftermath of this historic date.


Current Trump's Middle East security policies are military-directed and the light footprint option seems the best strategy for future U.S. security policy.

Washington's flawed Daesh policy, which was cooked for Barack Obama and reheated for Mr. Trump, pushed regional powers to use terrorist groups as proxies.

The failure of international cooperation in the fight against terrorism worldwide is as responsible in the deadly London attack as its perpetrator

Will NATO Summit Allow for Global Struggle against Global Terrorism?

Without NATO members' active involvement, it is impossible to reach a positive conclusion in the fight against global terror

Will NATO Summit Allow for Global Struggle against Global Terrorism
Fighting Terrorism and a Clashing Alliance The Case of Turkey-U

Fighting Terrorism and a Clashing Alliance: The Case of Turkey-U.S. Security Relations

How U.S. support to the PYD/PKK in Syria will affect the Turkey-U.S. relationship? What will be the implications of the U.S. strategy to defeat DAESH for the region? How is the PKK taking advantage of the U.S. military assistance to the YPG?


The new security doctrine of Turkey can be commented as a re-constructed and effective fusion of multidimensional diplomacy and defense policy.

What are the institutional necessities of effective threat response within the current security environment? What advantages will the new constitutional amendments provide in meeting these necessities?

The main theme of this study is in response to Turkey’s desire to build a systemic and high-tech integrated national air-missile defense system against perceived risks and potential threats.

At this point it is not clear what options the U.S. is really considering and if armed intervention is among them, something that has never been done against a nuclear power before due to the risks.