Interfactional dynamics and the future of Idlib

Since the planned wide-scale military operation by the Assad regime in July 2018 against the different military factions, Idlib has been the center of the Syrian conflict...

Interfactional dynamics and the future of Idlib
How Will the U S Withdrawal from Syria Change Dynamics

How Will the U.S. Withdrawal from Syria Change Dynamics of the Conflict?

How will the U.S. withdrawal reshape the inter- and intra-group dynamics in Syria? How will the withdrawal influence Turkey’s planned operation east of the Euphrates? How will this decision affect U.S.-Turkey relations?


The study argues that specific developments such as the territorial decline of DAESH, and counterterrorism experience ensured the prevention of more terrorist attacks by DAESH terrorists.

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi is considering either incorporating the KRG peshmerga into the Iraqi military or keeping it as a minor local force. It is very obvious to what extent this recession troubles the KRG, which has tried to realize self-governance since 1991. It is safe to say that the situation has traumatized the collective memory of Kurdish nationalists.

Turkey has initiated the Idlib Operation in order to eliminate the possibility of the emergence of another human tragedy, and to avoid the loss of many lives.

Turkey's S-400 deal with Russia is not being considered at the level of technicality and politics in Western media but through an ideological framework.

Euphrates Shield Revisited

Ankara's objectives, closely associated with homeland and border security issues, obligated it to take military measures

Euphrates Shield Revisited
Anniversary of Turkey s Operation Euphrates Shield in Syria

Anniversary of Turkey’s Operation Euphrates Shield in Syria

SETA Security Researcher Merve Seren commented on the anniversary of the Operation Euphrates Shield.


SETA Security Researcher Merve Seren commented on Turkey's counterterrorism strategy.

This report analyzes the extent of the use of drone technology by terror organizations, and makes recommendations regarding how to remove this new threat.

Although FETÖ has been crippled already, it is not possible to rule out the short- and long-term threats