Had Turkey Supported the Baathists

Had Erdoğan supported the Baath regime or had he remained a spectator, as the opposition demanded, it would have taken him only months to do the political harm to himself that his adversaries could in decades.

Had Turkey Supported the Baathists
Operation Hatay

Operation Hatay

Turkey does not have an interest in positioning the AK Party government as a belligerent in the Syrian war just as it does not have an interest in putting the CHP in a Baathist position.


Syria today is a place where cities are being annihilated, tens of thousands civilians are being massacred, and hundreds of thousands are forced to become refugees.

Does the PKK, in the context of Turkey’s Kurdish question, intend to lay down its arms under any circumstance?

The transformation of peaceful protesters into armed revolutionaries was triggered not by choice, but by necessity and obligation.

Mohamed Morsi, by forcing the top names of the SCAF to resign, squeezed decades of the Turkish political calendar into a single month. From now on, in its battle against the tutelage regime he will struggle not only to come to power but also be in power.

Turkey's Approach to Syria's Kurds Ignores Potential Gains

Turkey should recognize that the neighbors with which it will likely share its longest borders are not Syria and Iraq, but Kurdish political entities.

Turkey's Approach to Syria's Kurds Ignores Potential Gains
Republican People's Party must Continue Reforms Despite PKK Kidnapping

Republican People's Party must Continue Reforms Despite PKK Kidnapping

Despite the challenging period ahead, the CHP must continue its campaign for a peaceful resolution to the issue as well as for democratic reforms.


While Turkey witnessed a marked slowdown in consumption demand in the first quarter of 2012, primary data show signs of a moderate recovery and indicate that the steady increase in export will continue in the second quarter.

Iran has to change its perspective on the region if it really wants to become a determining factor in the region post-al-Assad.

High-ranking officers who were killed in the blast in Syria also took away the regime’s immunity, the mutual trust of those in the regime’s inner circle and the loyalty of the army.

It is necessary to get rid of national security concerns based on false assumptions of past years in order to ensure social peace and regional effectiveness.