Specially-Authorized Courts: An Obstacle to the Democratization of Turkey?

As the dominance of the anti-democratic actors over the democratic system decreased, the “special” authorities of the specially authorized courts would pose a problem for the democratic system.

Specially-Authorized Courts An Obstacle to the Democratization of Turkey
Syrian Litmus Test DavutoÄŸlu Kissinger Larijani Lavrov

Syrian Litmus Test: DavutoÄŸlu, Kissinger, Larijani, Lavrov

The results of this litmus test will be utilized in the new Middle East numerous times!


The massacre in Houla last week demonstrated once again that not much has changed since the uprisings started in Syria. The Baathist regime continues to kill in front of the whole world.

The practice of universal suffrage in Egypt, without limitations on gender and ethnicity, is a hopeful sign for the region.”

Pre-new constitution period is an appropriate time to discuss the disadvantages of the current political system and to pursue the quest for a new political system.

The Annan Plan was a miracle plan that could have benefited, in the short term, all those who were not disturbed by the bloodshed.

The Future of the New Constitution

The new constitution cannot and will not meet all demands of political parties. Everyone, each party will have to take a step back. We should be ready for this.

The Future of the New Constitution
The Luckiest Dictator in the Middle East

The Luckiest Dictator in the Middle East

The final leg of support for the Syrian Ba’ath regime’s geopolitical comfort zone was the political climate generated by the other dictatorships in the area.


Syria has become one of the few friends Iran has left, after it was blatantly sanctioned by the West, the U.S and other states in the region after the Islamic revolution.

Russia’s future in the Middle East fares no better than the al-Assad regime in which Russia had been investing.

Egypt has been focused on one issue alone since the overthrow of Mubarak. The subject of the main discussions going on for months now is the elections. 

Israel wants regime change in Syria, as much as it wanted a change in Egypt, the heart of the Camp David order, of which the Syrian regime is branch.