Why Education Reform Bill is Good For Turkey

Reforming Turkey’s education system symbolizes not only an end to weak civilian institutions but also represents an opportunity to bridge the gap between secularists and conservatives in the country.

Why Education Reform Bill is Good For Turkey
The Annan Plan vs Al-Assad's Time Game

The Annan Plan vs. Al-Assad's Time Game

UN wants to see the al-Assad regime, which killed most of the 8,000+ people killed during demonstrations, to allow people to protest freely.


While Turkey kept its distance from the countries in the region, Western countries, notably the U.S., shaped the Middle East.

What the Syrian regime fails to see is that this space carved between the political occupations of 2012 and geopolitical balances is about to expire.

Intelligence as an occupation has its own set of rules, procedures and ethics.

America will only then - if indeed it wants - be free from the three answers or the single al-Assad answer outlined above!

The Feb 28 Coup and Our ‘Native' Colonizers

When the AK Party came to power in 2002, the people were finally able to say “stop” to the gang that took the state hostage during the 1990s.

The Feb 28 Coup and Our Native' Colonizers
G-Zero and Syria

G-Zero and Syria

Syria, which is the most wounding issue we face today, has turned into yet another test for the global platforms.


In the last decade, the Turkish Republic has experienced the most difficult breaking points in its history since its establishment.

The only thing that will happen if the Assad regime in Syria is not overthrown is the continued political junk bond problem whose existence is extended slightly while its default risk is increased.

Tahrir nowadays is not only a space for those who are celebrating the anniversary of the revolution but also a convenient place to hide for those who want to escape responsibility.

Özhan: In the aftermath of the U.S. occupation of Iraq, actors in the region started to identify themselves with ethnic and sectarian differences and rights. Developments in the region do not bode well. However, Turkey insistently supports democracy.