Our Priority in Higher Education: Autonomy or Democratization?

That the YÖK and universities have historically remained distant to social demands and failed to meet them is directly related to the fact that these institutions are autonomous and they are not held accountable.

Our Priority in Higher Education Autonomy or Democratization
The Last Guardian of Sykes-Picot

The Last Guardian of Sykes-Picot

it is clear that the post-2002 Middle East has new circumstances, and each actor’s ability to adapt to these will determine its future.


The military regime, after having kept its cool during the revolution and the parliamentary elections, went on the offensive right before the presidential elections and intervened in politics.

Today the PKK has to step up and pay the price for its role as an obstacle along Turkish people’s path to the democratic standards they desire.

Turkey needs to draw lessons from the past and take necessary steps to facilitate the process.

Unless the PKK articulates the phrase “we can disarm” hypothetically, its disarmament in reality will not be possible.

Turkey's Kurdish Problem

The real issue rose when Kurdish uprisings rose against Kemalism in response to the imposition of Turkification policies on Kurds, who were, in effect, natives of Anatolia.

Turkey's Kurdish Problem
Universities and Democracy Culture

Universities and Democracy Culture

Just as universities cannot be the places where students resort and consecrate violence; universities are public places where one cannot limit students and academics’ right to protest.


Turkey in 2013 will have the potential to stand out as an island of political stability and security both regionally and globally.

It would be accurate to interpret the United States’ and the West’s increasing interest in Syria as a rush to secure a role in the scenario in which the Baath regime is nearing its end.

During Ergenekon hearing, CHP deputies joined forces with radical left actors including the Worker’s Party (İP) and the TGB.

The people’s peaceful protest is imperative and a national duty, until the army responds and announces its support for the people.”