A Guide to the PKK and the Resolution Process

For years, the liberal/left discourse in Turkey misconstrued the “identity” debate to describe the “Kurdish question” through the Western-informed lens of the distinction between “good” and “bad.”

A Guide to the PKK and the Resolution Process
The Solution Process and the Media

The Solution Process and the Media

The old TurkeyÂ’s only actor who has changed neither radically nor genuinely, nor has even discussed the change, is the Turkish mainstream media.


The messages coming from the Imrali during the solution process reflect the efforts for creating a new conceptual frame to settle in the legitimate-center.

Belated Kurdish nationalism perhaps could not give anything to the Kurds, but it surely bestowed at least 20 years to the regime of tutelage for it to survive.

The peace process will give us the opportunity to devise a more assertive and broader future by reconstructing a common “we” on a more righteous and healthier ground.

The irony of the fate is that President of the United States Barack Obama had to broker IsraelÂ’s or the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin NetanyahuÂ’s defeat to Turkey in the Middle East - though he could not wrestle with Israel in Washington.

Sometimes an apology is just an apology!

Whatever happens, relations between the two countries cannot and will not reach the high level of cooperation between TurkeyÂ’s pro-coup elites and Israel in the late 1990s.

Sometimes an apology is just an apology
Newroz and the New Paradigm

Newroz and the New Paradigm

Given the projected direction and strategic vision of the message and notions used in the statement, this message represents a mental transformation and a paradigm change.


In addition to a big plus in the diplomatic success column of Turkey, for the sake of being realistic however, the structural issues such as the Turkish-Israeli conflict over the regional vision and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, etc. should be taken into consideration.

The message of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) leader Abdullah Öcalan promises, with its most general terms, a quite different world from the 30-year-old clichés.

The million-dollar question, is this: Will the PKK manage to make tough decisions in 2013Â’s Turkey, where the tutelage regime is almost completely gone?

Palestinian President Mahmoud AbbasÂ’ visit was a quid pro quo for the active role Turkey played during the voting process.