‘Turkey Distress' in Syria!

Most of the evaluations that have been made by the media and political circles regarding Turkish foreign policy in Syria have three characteristics in common: They are void of Syria, baseless and conspiratorial.

Turkey Distress' in Syria
Being the Opposition While in Power

Being the Opposition While in Power

The classical democracy paradigm has been shaken by the position of the Justice and Development Party (AK Party), the government and the opposition have exchanged their roles in terms of political reflexes.


What Russia understands from a political solution is the Kadirov model and what Iran understands from the political solution is a scenario of “forever-negotiation-nihilism” as it is the case in its nuclear program. Is either to propose a realistic political solution to the Syrian crisis?

The AK Party, as the author of many firsts in the resolution of the Kurdish issue, has taken a huge lead over other parties.

That Turkey has not signed a new stand-by agreement with the IMF does not necessarily mean that Turkey – IMF relations have come to an end.

The Reyhanli attack is a quite clear attack in terms of its purpose and perpetrators. The Baath regime is trying to carry the fire into Turkish territory by using its regional proxies and a method it is accustomed to.

Turkey, the US and the Syrian Crisis

Turkey is the only actor that stands to spoil the neo Sykes-Picot. It appears that it will be impossible for al-Assad to regain his power in Syria as long as Turkey maintains its position.

Turkey the US and the Syrian Crisis
Kurdish Peace Process The Latest Phase of De-Securitisation Politics

Kurdish Peace Process: The Latest Phase of De-Securitisation Politics

The reshuffling of Turkey's domestic and foreign policy over the last decade has finally led to a solution for Kurds.


The analyses over the US policy in Syria have started to concentrate on the US’ gains if the Syrian crisis drags out rather than on the risks Washington will face.

Judging from the scene revealed by the ruling Justice and Development Party (AK Party), the paradigm has bankrupted and the transition to a new order has already begun since the world of friends and enemies who stood by the tutelage regime for years is totally confused now.

Erdoğan carried the country away from an undeclared bankruptcy into a great transformation in 10 years.

The Arab Gulf countries have caused the prolongation of the Baath regime’s life by not providing strong support to the Syrian opposition and by instigating segregations.