The Cizre Episode and Kurdish Nationalism's Deepening Crisis

The rising tide of PKK violence and the Cizre episode leaves ordinary citizens questioning what the Kurdish community wants.

The Cizre Episode and Kurdish Nationalism's Deepening Crisis
Russia in Syria Any Relation with Ukraine and Iran

Russia in Syria: Any Relation with Ukraine and Iran?

With the West's silence over the terror of the Assad regime and now the Russian government's military support to Syria, the atmosphere is perfect for everything to go as Assad wishes.


The structural challenges to neoliberalism are weakening global growth, the power shift from the West to the rest and climate change.

Russian involvement in Syria can cause the intensification of the civil war and increase the number of causalities and refugees.

After realizing that joining the anti-Erdoğan bloc with opposition parties would legitimize its presence, the PKK, by doing so, created itself a very large and comfortable zone to easily terrorize

The PKK's presence isn't derived from political conflicts with governments but their deep hatred for the state itself.

Russia in Syria: A Kadyrov Model?

Last week, there were an increasing number of reports in U.S. media regarding Russian military activity in Syria. According to these reports, U.S. intelligence captured evidence about the increasing number of military personnel and actions by Russia in regime-controlled areas in Syria.

Russia in Syria A Kadyrov Model
AK Party Challenges Kurdish Nationalists

AK Party Challenges Kurdish Nationalists

While being politically restricted by the PKK's ending the cease-fire to cancel the reconciliation process, the HDP, again because of the terrorist organization, is losing those who voted for them in hopes of peace.


The perspective of European countries on human rights and autocratic regimes in the Middle East needs to take a more humanitarian form so as to end the ongoing civil wars.

The picture of the drowned Syrian child has become a symbol of the apathy, negligence and sinfulness of European countries in the face of the Syrian civil war.

Turkey has approached both the Syrian civil war and the ISIS matter with its own national priorities and timing. The policy of the Obama administration paved the way for the PYD until recently. A PYD circle was nearly formed in northern Syria.

The political change paradigm led by the AK Party has freed the country from the tutelage of Republican elites, expanding and normalizing the political arena.