What the Suruç Attack Means

Quite contrary to Turkey’s anti-ISIS campaign in the region, the PKK is ungratefully trying to pull the Turkish government into the chaos between ISIS and the PKK-supported PYD

What the Suruç Attack Means
Can Protests Bring Major Change to Armenia

Can Protests Bring Major Change to Armenia?

Although the recent protests in Armenia may seem to be sparked by the announcement of a 20 percent price hike in public electricity, the main reason behind them is the economic and political dependence on Russia and the crisis in Ukraine.


Turkey’s construction, textiles, automotive and appliance companies might benefit from the expected expansion in the Iranian economy, which might accomplish double-digit growth figures in the coming years.

The success of the Obama administration with its deal with Iran will not only be judged by its contribution to non-proliferation but also on its impact on Iranian policies in the Middle East.

A massacre took place 20 years ago in and around Srebrenica in front of the whole world’s eyes with the Serbian military forces killing 8,000 Bosnian men and raping, torturing thousands of women and children after the U.N. declared the area a ‘safe zone‘.

Both the CHP and the MHP leadership openly state that they would rather stay in opposition than serve in the nation’s political leadership.

Grexit and the Future of Austerity

The austerity program imposed on Greece as a solution to its deep economic crisis has transformed into a threat to the entire eurozone.

Grexit and the Future of Austerity
Turkey's Future in the Region

Turkey's Future in the Region

Turkey is today in a very critical location due to multiple, evolving threats on its borders.


The international community is silently watching the refugee crisis around the world despite its urgent ‘major humanitarian catastrophe' warning.

Turkey’s next government must reflect each party’s minimum requirements and modest goals rather than dreams of a grand transformation.

Despite all of its efforts to launch an active integration with the West, China's bad reputation regarding its treatment to the Muslim community in the Xinjiang Region grows bolder.

Hoping that the PYD will deal with ISIS in the region does not seem to be realistic and, furthermore, could generate further destabilizing ethnic tensions in the region.