Election Economics and the A20

Political and bureaucratic actors should look for new ways to create synergies with think tanks, universities and civil intellectual initiatives such as the A20 to assure a better future for the "New Turkey in the New World."

Election Economics and the A20
US and the Gulf after Camp David

US and the Gulf after Camp David

In the aftermath of nuclear talks between Iran and P5+1 countries, the U.S. is facing a more complicated relationship with Gulf countries. It seems that the Camp David summit was not very successful in refreshing Gulf countries' confidence in the U.S. as a diplomatic ally.


So far the Obama administration's Middle East policy ignited the polarization between Gulf nations and Iran further. Thus, it remains a big challenge for the U.S. to end regional turmoil through diplomatic means anytime soon.

The U.S. has failed to display a consistent stance on several regional issues in the Middle East including the Syrian crisis. Because of these failures many foreign capitals have begun to question the U.S.'s reliability as a diplomatic ally.

The global history of development reminds us that all rising economic powers tried to penetrate the European and American markets at some point along their particular trajectory, and Turkey is no exception to this rule.

The continuous military interventions over the last 60 years of Turkish democracy have left a series of different victims of coups. The destructive and bloody aftermath of coups anywhere is always remembered as the darkest days of the countries' histories just as 1980 was one of the darkest years for Turkey

The HDP's Election Strategy

As the HDP lacks necessary experience to focus on religion and popular demands in their election campaigns, it is impossible for the Kurdish political movement to compete with the AK Party at the national level

The HDP's Election Strategy
Asia Will Remain the Engine of Global Growth

Asia Will Remain the Engine of Global Growth

When the political dust settles in Turkey following the June 7 elections, the attention of policy makers will have to refocus on the critical developments in Asia.


The government is doing its best to prevent unlawful efforts within the judiciary, yet the Gülen Movement seems interested in casting a shadow over the performance of Turkish democracy at the international level.

The earthquake in Nepal revealed how the country neglected to take the necessary precautions for such a disaster. This should urge other countries in Asia to initiate a long-term preparation plan for natural disasters.

Thanks to the spread of social media and the excessive number of news outlets around the world, in the last few election campaigns, people around the world have started to become more familiar with the main debates in U.S. politics.

Which constitutional regime provides a better political framework for the foundation of development-friendly institutional compacts and effective state-business relations?