The CHP's Foreign Policy Vision

In harshly criticizing the foreign policy implemented by the ruling AK Party, the CHP assumes that Turkey can simply avoid problems around itself while pledging to bring peace to a competitive and chaotic region

The CHP's Foreign Policy Vision
Prudence versus Populism

Prudence versus Populism

In modern democratic politics, one of the most effective instruments of attracting electoral support is extending pledges for better macroeconomic governance and improvement of social welfare.


Ahead of the June 7 elections, the AK Party introduced a 350-page vision document reminding voters that the country, having broken the chains of guardianship, needs to prepare for ‘the second half'

As the Middle East continues to be dominated by age-old rivalries, unresolved conflicts and protracted ethno-sectarian traumas, the epicenter of global hegemonic competition has shifted to the Asia-Pacific, where China and the U.S. are involved in a multipronged struggle for political, economic and geostrategic domination.

Turks and Armenians have lived side by side for hundreds of years in peace and harmony. Today, Turkey and Armenia need to realize that it is in their best interests to revive their relations and form neighborly ties with each other

Turkey seeks to find a way out of sectarian clashes to mobilize support against ongoing attempts to divide the Islamic world amid conflicts in the Middle East

Uighurs as the Invisible Victims of the International System

The situation of Uighurs in China shows that what Assad did in Syria does not stay in Syria. Methods of repression spread and embolden other regimes. If this is not be stopped it will become a model for other oppressive governments around the world

Uighurs as the Invisible Victims of the International System
Turkey and Iran Competitive Collaboration

Turkey and Iran: Competitive Collaboration

The timing of the critical visit by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to Tehran this week corresponded with a very sensitive regional and international conjuncture.


Last week the U.S. lifted its arms embargo on Egypt that was imposed after the military coup. After changing its tone regarding Assad in Syria, the U.S. is again sacrificing possible peace in the region in exchange for short term gains and interests

Today, Turkey follows a regional policy in conjunction with bilateral cooperations on certain issues. We cannot isolate Mr. Erdoğan's criticism of Iran and the meeting agenda from the broader context.

The nuclear deal was a huge step for Iran in normalizing its relationships with the West and can potentially be a game changer in the Middle East. But it will also be a source of tension in U.S.-Israel relations in the future.

Although the nuclear talks conducted between the P5+1 and Iran were endorsed by the Obama administration from the very beginning, parts of U.S. Congress under the influence of Israel, do not hide their objections against the agreement.