Turkey's Repeat Elections: The Kurdish Wildcard

The PKK's terror, which ended the reconciliation process despite the state's wishes and efforts, and the HDP's supportive statements of this terror seem to shape the electorate's behavior in the Nov. 1 elections.

Turkey's Repeat Elections The Kurdish Wildcard
China in Syria

China in Syria

Although it prompts various questions, it is quite clear that China's policy change, in other words its involvement in the Syrian conflict, will do nothing but increase chaos in the region.


The general elections on Nov. 1 come at a critical juncture in which Turkey's position in the global pecking order as the rotating president of the G20 would be put to a stringent test. A re-injection of political stability might alleviate many systemic risks and turn around gloomy expectations concerning the country's prospects.

The latest anti-terror meetings have made it quite clear that all sides, with the exclusion of the PKK and HDP, believe it is the common fate of both Turks and Kurds to share the same land, values, religion and tradition.

No mention of the Syrian crisis and the issue of human rights on the agenda of the upcoming summit between the leaders of China and the U.S. is a clear sign of the irresponsibility of these two superpowers on global problems.

Although parties have not yet started to announce their campaigns for the upcoming Nov. 1 elections, political backgrounds, promises and attitudes on PKK terror will be the key factors headlining their agenda.

Russia's Growing Involvement in the Middle East

Mr. Putin is planning to showcase his military's power in the Middle East and the Mediterranean.

Russia's Growing Involvement in the Middle East
The Presidential Candidates and the US's Image Around the World

The Presidential Candidates and the US's Image Around the World

In the U.S.'s presidential race, candidates are creating a sense of deja vu with their anti-immigration and anti-Muslim rhetoric, which unfolds the state's chronic domestic problem of discriminations.


The integrative modernization understanding of the AK Party comprising different races, cultures and social structures, unlike the opposition parties, makes the party the main actor in Turkish politics.

The re-composition of governing boards at the AK Party ordinary congress on Sept. 12 and candidate lists for the parliamentary elections on Nov. 1 were received positively as attempts to mobilize the potential electorate with the insertion of more, rather than less, "Erdoğan effect" through known political faces from his entourage.

The idea of discrimination is a dangerous boomerang that can find another target after destroying the lives of the target population in a country. It is not an ideology in itself, but a major threat for stability and social harmony.

The AK Party derived its power from three main sources: First, a discourse of civilization allowed the movement to incorporate various political ideologies into its own platform