Presidentialism Debate: Why Worry?

Terrorist organizations are not entirely dissimilar to the mafia: Both terrorists and gangsters spill blood in an effort to spread fear and oppress innocent people.

Presidentialism Debate Why Worry
The Opposition's Broken Hope

The Opposition's Broken Hope

The opposition's inability to come up with an attractive message entails the risk of radicalization and a violent turn – unless they find a way to overcome reactionary politics.


The Syrian refugee crisis is a great opportunity for some members of the group that turned a blind eye to this global crisis for the last four years to prove their capabilities of approaching the disaster from a humanitarian perspective.

It appears that the matter of struggle against the PKK will continue to be the primary issue on the political agenda. At this point, the attitude the HDP will take is of the utmost importance.

Reaching an agreement with Moscow and Washington on the Syrian civil war and fighting ISIS, the PKK and PKK-affiliated PYD in the region is the main topic on Ankara's agenda.

It might be a quite saddening but crystal clear truth that democratic values, principles and institutions that claim to be universal do not apply to Western perceptions of political development in Turkey or the Middle East in general.

Tony Blair and Debates About the Iraq War

Former British PM Blair's answer to a question about the causes for the emergence of ISIS and the war in Iraq are confusing.

Tony Blair and Debates About the Iraq War
Elections are Over What Now

Elections are Over, What Now?

The most important issue facing the AK Party, and of course the Parliament that has been shaped by the Nov. 1 elections, is the writing up of a new, civilian constitution.


What Turkey desperately needs, above and beyond party politics, is an end to the elite-level tensions that trigger political polarization across the country.

The results of the elections show that the AK Party received another election victory.

As the electorate goes to the polls for a critical repeat election on Nov. 1, Turkey is longing for the virtuous circle of political and economic stability it became used to between 2002 and 2015.

The CHP, MHP and the HDP, have all constructed their political discourse on otherizing the AK Party at every level, yet still each of them sees the party as its partner in a possible coalition government.