Amnesty's New Report and the Situation in Northern Syria

The latest report by Amnesty International about a new wave of the forced displacement of the people in PYD-controlled areas reveals the lack of human security in the region

Amnesty's New Report and the Situation in Northern Syria
The Effect of the Ankara Attack on Turkey

The Effect of the Ankara Attack on Turkey

The HDP sees the latest wave of attacks as a window of opportunity to support its anti-Erdoğan propaganda for the Nov. 1 elections. However, this discourse only benefits the West's campaign to smear Turkey


We have hope for the future nonetheless, because Turkey has made significant progress over the years and has what it takes to overcome the current challenges.

The grievous fact that hundreds of people were brutally killed and wounded by the latest suicide bombings in Ankara renders all strategies, political analyses and comments meaningless

The Russian actions in Syria took place in a period of the transformation of the international system. It is a period of post-unipolarism in which the U.S. no longer sufficient power to shape the politics and economy of the entire world.

The moral of this true story for starters on Turkey is to never take anything at face value in Turkey's wild politics.

The struggle for emancipation of Turkish politics

The positive elections campaigns carried out by political parties justify the AK Party's struggle against military tutelage to strengthen the democratization process of Turkish politics

The struggle for emancipation of Turkish politics
US reaction is harder to understand than Russian motivation in

US reaction is harder to understand than Russian motivation in Syria

The reason behind Washington's silence over the latest reports, claiming that Russia's bombings in Syria were not against ISIS troops as Putin claims, but against Syrian moderate groups whose weapons are supplied by the CIA, still remains a mystery.


Foes in the Ukrainian crisis, allies in the Iran Nuclear Deal and Syrian conflict: The relations between the U.S. and Russia are the greatest symbols of the paradigm-realism allowing states to look at the world with an ego

After five years of civil war, a huge influx of foreign fighters, and lots of sophisticated global power meddling, Syria is beginning to crystallize as the stage of the New Cold War between Putin's embattled Russia and Obama's ‘U.S. with a human face' on Turkey's doorsteps.

The AK Party's efforts to end the past's military intervention in politics, chauvinism of governments discriminating against Kurdish people, still makes the party the most reformist one in Turkish politics.

Once Putin realized the added benefits of enmity toward ISIS for Russia's interests, he started making exaggerated anti-ISIS statements to provide enough legitimacy for his country's involvement in the Syrian conflict.