Why Did Erdoğan Criticize the Constitutional Court?

Erdoğan ignores the Constitutional Court's decision which disrupts Turkey's efforts to become a state of law

Why Did Erdoğan Criticize the Constitutional Court
Declinism Debate and Elections In the US

Declinism, Debate and Elections In the US

For the last few elections we started to see a gradual decline in the level and capacity of some of the debates between presidential candidates.


Syria has been perishing at the hands and before the very eyes of all local and foreign parties that play a part in the Syrian war in accordance with their background projects

By declaring that Turkey had violated the rights of Can Dündar and Erdem Gül, the Constitutional Court overstepped its mandate and engaged in political activism

At the regional level, Iran will continue to aggressively pursue opportunities to increase its influence, at least until Turkey and Saudi Arabia, which are distressed by U.S. President Barack Obama's Middle East policy, are no longer troubled U.S. allies.

The Obama administration, knowing that the cease-fire would not last, started talking about Plan B in order to strong-arm Moscow into some kind of commitment.

Cessation of Hostilities in Syria

Syrians are being devastated at the hands of the actors whose foreign policies, that are far from humanity, have been failing since the start of the civil war

Cessation of Hostilities in Syria
YPG is a Master Spoiler in Syria

YPG is a Master Spoiler in Syria

The U.S.'s assumption that Syria's YPG will contribute to the international coalition in the fight against DAESH will put the U.S. into trouble due to the terror organization's separatist strategy in northern Syria and southeastern Turkey


The reason behind the Feb. 28 post-modern coup, which was an outcome of the past military tutelage of politics, was economic

The open support the U.S. is giving to a terrorist organization in Syria that has been active in Turkey for the last 30 years is creating serious questions in the minds of Turkey's political elite

The strong criticism of Ankara's Syria policy is unfair when Turkey is the only country using military power in northern Syria solely to secure its national rights and borders.

When the PYD abused its defined mission of fighting DAESH and tried to make one-sided territorial gains, Turkey reacted correctly, feeling that a new geostrategic design was being made along its southern borders.