Turkey's Losers and Their Western Allies

In an op-ed piece published by The Washington Post last week, Mort Abramowitz and Eric Edelman, former U.S. ambassadors to Turkey, called on President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to "reform or resign." What a joke!

Turkey's Losers and Their Western Allies
A Frustrated and Disappointed Superpower

A Frustrated and Disappointed Superpower

With 10 months left for his administration, President Obama's attitude seems to mirror those of the cliché Hollywood action heroes


Keeping in mind that Turkey and Israel could launch mutually beneficial joint projects, including a pipeline to export natural gas to European markets, why is Netanyahu's government reluctant to shake hands with Turkey?

The Geneva Talks held in order to find a diplomatic solution to the Syria problem failed as expected and attention is now turned again towards the front where the violence had never stopped during the talks.

The city of Kilis, its local communities, nongovernmental organizations and AFAD, which all provide for the needs of Syrian refugees in a very systemic way, deserve much more international recognition, than only a Nobel Peace Prize

The overdue EU attempt to find a solution to the Syrian civil war and its resulting crises, aided by Ankara, is an opportunity for European values to end the ambiguity of its stance

Is Another Regime Crisis Awaiting Turkey

Is Another Regime Crisis Awaiting Turkey?

Turkey has to solve the administrative system crisis facing it in order to be able to surmount its domestic problems and be effective in its region by forming socio-economic and socio-cultural integration belts


Having lost control of Syria, Yemen, Iraq and Lebanon to Iran by turning on the Muslim Brotherhood during the Arab Spring revolutions, Saudi Arabia now seeks to regain its influence over the Middle East.

These being the basic functions of a constitution, the Turkish Constitution of 1982 brought forth, since it came into force, a rather precarious situation for the Turkish legal and political systems.

Following the early shock of the neoliberal upsurge, a series of detailed interdisciplinary analyses regarding the development trajectories of the NICs paved the way for the formation of a modern comparative institutional stream in the study of macroeconomic management and development.

There is an urgent need to systematically advance the integration of the refugee community into formal employment as well as national education system so that the accumulation of potential social tensions might be prevented from the start