Europe Needs Sincerity in Integration and Counterterrorism

European double standards that discriminate between terrorist organizations and provide safe homes to some so long as they do not conduct violent activities in Europe should change immediately

Europe Needs Sincerity in Integration and Counterterrorism
If We Do Not Want More Bombs to Go Off

If We Do Not Want More Bombs to Go Off

The global community needs to stop pointing the finger at transnational terrorism as an excuse for everything and sit at the solution table to find the root cause of this international threat


In recent months, it has been interesting to see opposition pundits who were initially critical of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's assessment that the two groups were one and the same slowly reach the same conclusion.

Russia wouldn't want to lose face in Tehran despite having bowed to Israeli pressures to limit their support for Bashar Assad and Hezbollah. Willing to do anything to weaken the Assad regime and Iran, Israel openly supports a federal solution.

They planted what they like to call seeds of hope. In the end, a suicide bomber blew herself up in the heart of Ankara.

No longer can the PYD militants shake hands with Bashar Assad and continue their on-off relationship with DAESH to expand their territory. Moving forward, the group will play defense and try to keep what they have.

Istanbul and Ankara Terror Attacks

In the past month there have been two suicide bombings in Ankara conducted by the PKK splinter group TAK and one in Taksim in Istanbul by DAESH. Since the global community has left Turkey alone in its fight against these terrorist organizations, Ankara is determined to continue alone if necessary

Istanbul and Ankara Terror Attacks
Western Media's Hypocrisy

Western Media's Hypocrisy

The Western media's coverage of the terror attack in Turkey wasn't just hypocritical. It was evil and shameless.


In recent years to figure out what Russia really wants has become the most enigmatic question in international politics to figure out what Russia really wants.

The Turkish state has every right to defend the welfare and security of its citizens within a democratic framework via a new security paradigm and tougher penalties for those who are proved to support terrorist actions in different ways

Ankara declares war not only against the deadly terror of the PKK through its urban occupation and civilian massacres, but also against its provocative grass roots

By killing civilians en masse, the PKK created a new distinction between Turkish citizens: A large number of people openly condemning the attacks and a small minority who would rather point their fingers at the government.