Turkey's New Foreign Policy

The deepening crisis in the Middle East increases the value of Turkey's friendship, which the United States and others are trying to win back. In turn, Turkey cares very little about being liked. The country's leaders are completely focused on national interests.

Turkey's New Foreign Policy
Nuclear Security Terrorism and Human Security

Nuclear Security, Terrorism and Human Security

The most important message that Turkey gave on various occasions was the danger of inconsistency in the war against terrorism. A second security issue that Turkey raised last week pertained to the human security dimension of international security.


As the counterterror fight is the first priority for Turkey, the U.S. authorities' tangible solution offered to Erdoğan can mark a good start in putting bilateral relations back on track.

Turkey's ascendancy as a middle power and regional play-maker in the Middle East went pretty well up until 2011 but has faced multifaceted difficulties and challenges afterward, especially in the wake of the escalation of the Syrian civil war.

Erdoğan is expending great effort to further develop Turkish-U.S. political relations and strengthen economic relations between the two countries.

Erdoğan adopted a reconciliatory tone in Washington to convey the message that he was interested in addressing the pressing problems in Turkish-U.S. relations.

Diyanet Center of America: An Architectural Quest for Identity

A visitor of the Diyanet Center notes that the mosque is already filled with Muslims from various backgrounds, all gathering every week for Friday sermons and excited by the scene that makes them feel “at home”.

Diyanet Center of America An Architectural Quest for Identity
UN Alliance of Civilizations and Its Future

UN Alliance of Civilizations and Its Future

The UNAOC initiative represented a perfect example of Turkey's proactive, multilateral diplomacy based on building international alliances around common principles and inclusiveness, contributing to innovative peace building through dialogue


The anti-DAESH campaign conducted by the global community is far from well-coordination and only serves the terror organization's interests

Although both are NATO members in the international coalition against DAESH, the U.S.'s insistence on supporting the PYD and YPG, which Ankara deems terror organizations, instead of Turkey, harms the trust between the two countries

The scandal was not just a failure of European intelligence services either, as it relates to a broader lack of coherent counterterrorism policy across the continent, which needs to be addressed by taking European-wide security cooperation to the next level.

Europe proved to be extremely ineffective and inefficient in dealing with the refugee crises, and to not perpetuate its mistakes it needs to adopt a new security framework to deal with the increasing threat of terrorism