A Futile Attempt to Force Turks into Submission

By attacking a popular nightclub in Istanbul, the terrorists wanted Turkish people to accept defeat but the only way out of the current situation is to keep going forward

A Futile Attempt to Force Turks into Submission
Great Expectations and New Challenges for the West

Great Expectations and New Challenges for the West

The future seems almost dark for Western values which are under attack by the revival of racism, populism, Islamphobia and xenephobia in societies


It was no secret that the Obama administration has long maintained the strategy of pursuing controlled confrontation with Vladimir Putin's Russia via micro-conflicts in multiple confrontation zones such as the Asia-Pacific, Ukraine and Syria

Turkey will continue to be in Syria no matter what until Daesh terrorists are completely eliminated from the towns

Trump will not simply bring forward the pragmatic framework of the U.S.'s grand strategy which was suppressed during the Obama period, but attempt to fully renew the ideological framework as well

Turkey is not trying to change teams. It is only seeking a healthy balance between Russia and the U.S.

The Assassination of the Russian Ambassador and Its Meaning: Why Was Turkey Targeted?

The assassination of the Russian ambassador to Turkey cannot be discussed without taking the national, regional and global developments and conjuncture into consideration

The Assassination of the Russian Ambassador and Its Meaning Why
Geoeconomics and Geopolitics

Geoeconomics and Geopolitics

The Trump administration's decisions over economic statecraft and geoeconomics will be determinative for the future of U.S. foreign policy


As an emerging economy, Turkey also has faced an increase in energy consumption in the last few decades, especially due to a growth in population and economic expansion. Over the last decade, Turkey has been the second country, after China, in terms of gas and electricity demand growth.

Turkish Special Forces took up the challenge and showed the world that they represent the most effective ground force that could fight Daesh in the battlefield

How many victims of the terrorist attacks in Turkey or other countries would be enough to push the international community to say 'stop' the deadly terror groups and fight on the ground against them?

The same people who hailed the PKK as a merry band of revolutionaries might soon have to face the fact that they were in bed with terrorists all along.