Anti-Muslim Extremism Becomes State Policy with Trump

Trump administration might herald a new era in which the already existing danger of anti-Muslim extremism in the Western world

Anti-Muslim Extremism Becomes State Policy with Trump
Two Weeks of Trump Foreign Policy Divergence and Convergence

Two Weeks of Trump Foreign Policy: Divergence and Convergence

It has always been hard for U.S. administrations to determine foreign policy, and there have always been different voices in Washington D.C. arguing over it, that's the reason for today's absence of any decisions in the U.S.


European leaders, including Chancellor Merkel, should be aware of their need for Turkey and stop bandwagoning on the anti-Erdoğan campaign

The United States wants to get involved in the Syrian crisis again rapidly and effectively.

Surprising developments are afoot in the world. A terrorist organisation that claims to be Muslim is shedding blood around the world, including in Turkey.

The constitutional change bill does not only concern the policy of one party. It is a long overdue duty of the Turkish state to strengthen itself, which will consequently benefit both the people of the country and the entire region

From Obama to Trump: How Similar Will Their Drone Policies Be?

Despite declaring himself on many occasions as the best anti-Obama figure, Trump unfortunately seems to maintain the brutal drone policies that were aimed at killing innocent people and adopted by Obama during his term in office

From Obama to Trump How Similar Will Their Drone Policies
US's Asia Policy after Withdrawal from TPP

US's Asia Policy after Withdrawal from TPP

The already weakened ties with allies in the region due to former U.S. President Obama's policies may receive another blow after the U.S.'s withdrawal from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, unless Trump is quick to take action to fix ties


Erdoğan's principal messages to African leaders focus on establishing long-term social and economic partnerships on the basis of mutual respect and common benefits through capacity building, entrepreneurship and human development

Relations between the Trump team and the media may further sour in the coming days. The international system and regional crises are also not making Trump's job easier.

In order to become a key player in the Middle East again, Washington needs to repair its damaged relations with Ankara

Whether the current negotiations will be able to solve the Syria crisis is still uncertain, but it is good to see that at least something has started to be done in the name of peace