Whither Hegemonic Stability?

As the sociopolitical atmosphere gradually shifted towards the confines of the far right and the isolationism in Europe, serious questions about the future of the European project began to be raised

Whither Hegemonic Stability
Trump's Struggle with Washington's Elites

Trump's Struggle with Washington's Elites

While Trump has to deal with the senior figures of the U.S. establishment, who voice their dislike of him at every opportunity, he also needs to develop policies to consolidate his own base


A look at how the sequence of political crises have harmed Turkey for years is enough to show why Turkey needs to take this reform step in the April referendum

The Raqqa operation, which is expected to be the next step in the fight against Daesh terrorists in Syria, can achieve success only with the support of legitimate local actors

Industrial Revolution 4.0, set to trigger fundamental socio-economic transformations across the globe.

With the liberation of al-Bab from Daesh terrorists, Turkey has proven once again that Operation Euphrates Shield is the most successful weapon on the ground against the deadly terrorist group in Syria

Re-Negotiating Terms with the Trump Administration

Turkey, along with Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Israel, is trying to develop a new kind of relationship with the Trump administration – which still looks unpredictable

Re-Negotiating Terms with the Trump Administration
Can the U S Return to The Syria Equation

Can the U.S. Return to The Syria Equation?

Having lost its prestige in Syria with the repeated failed policies of the Obama administration, the U.S. is now about to lose all presence in the Middle East unless Trump immediately becomes involved in the Syrian equation


In a nutshell, the opposition's campaign rhetoric for the April referendum is a repetition of its obsessive anti-Erdoğan rhetoric, while those in favor of switching to the presidential system are able to clarify what the change will bring to Turkey

New systems of government are a practical necessity, rather than a matter of ideological preference.

The first and most significant task of the Trump administration to revive the damaged Turkey-U.S. relations is to take steps to overcome the trust and confidence problems in bilateral relations

The new system will establish a unified executive branch, improve coordination among economic agencies.