Challenges of the Transition in the US

The confirmation hearings for senior positions in the incoming administration last week demonstrated there may be a difference of opinion among members of the administration.

Challenges of the Transition in the US
Obama's Legacy and the Trump Presidency

Obama's Legacy and the Trump Presidency

Trump will focus his time and energy on dismantling Obama's legacy at home and abroad. The question remains whether he, who proved eager to take on the establishment, can overcome the 'institutional' obstacles in his path


Despite all the stress and difficulties, the systemic transformation process in Turkey must be worth to endure for a brighter future

Simply put, the new constitution will pave the way for a more democratic atmosphere in Turkey by providing the clear seperation of powers

Although Ankara and London followed different paths, they have a lot in common today. And Turkey's pursuit of EU membership is closely related to London's way out.

The next U.S. administration is more willing to work with Russia and work on eliminating Daesh threats. However, there is still some ambiguity about the extent of cooperation and whether there will be any joint effort to resolve the crisis in Syria

Seeking a Fresh Start with Iraq

The PKK is an existential threat for both Iraq and Turkey. Baghdad, Irbil and Ankara need to work more closely on counterterrorism to succeed

Seeking a Fresh Start with Iraq
Rapprochement between Turkey Iraq Implications for the Region

Rapprochement between Turkey, Iraq: Implications for the Region

In a historic visit by the Turkish PM to Iraq, the two governments emphasized mutual respect for one another's territorial integrity and national sovereignty, cooperation to fight against terror and non-state actors. This rapprochement between Turkey and Iraq will consolidate the Iraqi return to a national and independent foreign policy


Since the reversal of recent popular revolutions in the Arab world and the loss of political stability in the wake of several failed states, foreign meddling and proxy wars created a vicious circle whereby radicalism fed instability and instability fed deeper radicalism.

Unless we come up with a comprehensive plan to fight and defeat terrorism in the region, European capitals will continue to fear the next terror attack

Trump is totally unpredictable and his victory was unprecedented so any analysis is unlikely to predict future U.S. foreign policy

'The way of lifestyle is under threat in Turkey' is a discourse produced by some hidden agendas with the aim of creating chaos in Turkish society but nothing more