Islamophobia Debates in Japan

Last week, Tokyo's hosting a convention to discuss the Islamophobia danger is a promising development for a better world

Islamophobia Debates in Japan
The Root Cause of New Nationalism is the West Not

The Root Cause of New Nationalism is the West, Not Turkey

Defining Erdoğan's political vision, which has found a wide response in Turkey, as "ethnic or Islamic nationalism," is a big mistake. Erdoğan's political vision could be described as "civic nationalism" at best.


Turkey is seeking to protect its economic and political interests in northern Iraq while fighting against PKK and ISIL.

A quick look at the West's treatment of Turkey over the past decade reveals that Mr. Erdoğan's disappointment isn't some emotional reaction but a structural transformation already underway

The reason for the current situation between Turkey and the EU is not the personal approaches of Erdoğan or European politicians. It has more structural reasons

The Turkish Army’s bitter experiences, such as the PKK’s recent attack near the Çığlı military zone, highlights the unanticipated consequences of shortfalls and limitations in countermeasure abilities against MANPADS, and draws attention to the need to strengthen capabilities for detecting, locating, identifying, and defeating targets through UAVs.

Trump and Turkey

If the Trump administration wants to normalize the U.S.'s relations with Turkey, it has to focus on taking steps to end the lack of 'trust' between the two countries

Trump and Turkey
Global Economy Navigating In Turbulent Waters

Global Economy: Navigating In Turbulent Waters

When the larger picture that takes the "Trump factor" and rising global economic tensions into account is analyzed, it is clear that the turbulent period in the global economy might be with the U.S. well into the medium term.


The kind of foreign policy the new U.S. administration adopts will be the new topic of debate with Donald Trump's presidency

The EU countries failed to deal with domestic challenges, and the rise of cultural and moral crises

The Gulenist Terrorist Organisation has an international support network. Unlike IS threats of "lone wolves" and its widespread alienation by the public, Gulenists benefit from a certain level of public legitimacy.

The rise of populism on the back of anti-immigrant sentiment and protectionism slowly eradicates the West's liberal credentials