Middle East: Is Secularism The Answer?

To overcome the challenges that the region faces today, we must promote a democratic system capable of accommodating Muslim demands and respect diversity

Middle East Is Secularism The Answer
Turkey's New Security Concept

Turkey's New Security Concept

Turks are trying to adapt to the regional order's downfall and a dangerous increase in the number of failed states in the neighborhood


One thing that should not surprise anyone in regards to Turkey's policy in northern Syria is the future operations of Turkey against YPG and Daesh targets in the region without any discrimination

If things get out of control, we might brace ourselves for a humanitarian intervention; and it will be in total conformity with the new power politics in the Middle East.

The threat comes from the European failure to coordinate their security services and share actionable intelligence with their counterparts in different parts of the continent.

Use of groups such as Hashid Shaabi, who will only instigate sectarianism, or the PKK and other terror organizations connected to it, will only bring greater bloodshed and create opportunities for Daesh to reinvent itself in new forms

Mosul and the Post-Daesh Period

What all sides need to keep in mind is that there can be no lasting defeat for Daesh and others unless Sunni Arabs are adequately represented by the national governments of Syria and Iraq.

Mosul and the Post-Daesh Period
Why We Are Discussing the Presidential System Again

Why We Are Discussing the Presidential System Again

Turkey is reinvigorating its quest for a democratic presidential system that can meet its requirements. Political circles will be intensively engaged in presidential system models in the upcoming days


This election is shaping and may continue to shape American prestige, standing and image around the world more than any other election before it.

If the conditions are favorable, Turkey might follow the course of military cooperation with Russia until the end, regardless of whatever reactions it bears the brunt of from the NATO side.

The election in the U.S. is usually on domestic politics but the world is also watching and the foreign policy debates in the U.S. continue to grow increasingly shocking to the rest of the world

President Erdoğan once again succinctly criticized global inequalities and mentioned the lack of access to energy in different parts of the world and how this lack brings with it serious crises