The Biden-Trump "Clash"

In the first debate before the November elections, President Biden's performance against Trump could be a game-changer for the race. The Trump campaign has succeeded in raising doubts about Biden's age, awareness, and vitality, and has also sought to create controversy around the format and neutrality of the CNN-hosted debate. If Biden performs well, the Trump camp will likely dismiss it as biased due to CNN's perceived favoritism towards Democrats. However, if Biden makes any gaffes or appears mentally unsteady, they plan to exploit this to the fullest. It wouldn't be surprising to see Trump continue his classic political style of declaring victory regardless of the outcome. While a strong performance from Biden won't end Trump's campaign, any doubts about Biden's mental sharpness will make it much harder for his campaign to recover.

The Biden-Trump quot Clash quot
Iran's political horizon Navigating shifts and reformist hopes

Iran's political horizon: Navigating shifts and reformist hopes

Iranians are preparing to go to the polls on June 28, and this election seems to be more exciting than recent parliamentary and presidential elections. The reason for this is the candidacy of reformist Masoud Pezeshkian.


Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan has been insistently warning the whole world that the Israeli atrocities in Palestine, especially the Israeli attacks against senior Hamas officials in Lebanon and Iranian targets in Syria, may spread the ongoing war in the Palestinian territories to the entire Middle East. Fidan pointed out that the attacks against commercial ships in the Red Sea by the Iranian proxy Houthi militants show the scale of the tension in the region. He warned the related regional states and global powers that if they did not deter Israel, the war could spread to the region. And the regional war will end in a way that every regional state will lose.

When we look at the G7 summit communiqué, we see an extensive list of problems related to various crisis areas and challenges in the international system. From Ukraine to Taiwan, from artificial intelligence to energy, leaders have pledged support for different initiatives in many problematic areas. While the joint declaration is filled with a series of good intentions, it is difficult to say that there are clear proposals leading to solutions. Although there are references to many initiatives previously agreed upon in other platforms, it is impossible to find agreement proposals that can provide lasting solutions in crisis areas such as Ukraine, Taiwan, and Palestine. This situation highlights how difficult it is for Washington to produce concrete solutions around comprehensive strategic policies and underscores the weakness of Biden's global leadership record.

For some time now, we have witnessed the transformative effects of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, driven by technologies such as artificial intelligence. Unlike previous industrial revolutions and their respective technologies, this ongoing revolution is reshaping every aspect of our lives. The primary reason for this profound impact is that AI, often referred to as a force multiplier due to its dual-use capabilities, can be integrated into virtually every domain, enhancing and automating processes. AI's deep and wide influence explains its widespread adoption and the significant changes we are experiencing.

While the Biden administration struggles to achieve results in the ceasefire negotiations between Israel and Hamas, it is also trying to prevent the war from spreading to Lebanon. Biden announced that Israel had accepted a ceasefire plan and provided details. However, Netanyahu resisted Washington's pressure, insisting on the goal of completely destroying Hamas. As Israel continued its attacks in Gaza, Hamas also hardened its stance. Instead of exerting real pressure on Israel for a ceasefire, the Biden administration argued that Hamas was the spoiler and sought to leverage the influence of countries like Egypt, Qatar, and Turkey over Hamas.

Has the US economy achieved a soft landing?

Federal Reserve (Fed) Chairman Jerome Powell announced at the eagerly awaited meeting, where markets awaited a signal of interest rate cuts, that they foresee a single rate cut by the end of this year. Despite May's monthly inflation rate being zero and annual inflation standing at 3.3%, Powell stated that more data is needed for a rate cut. Although American markets responded with historical highs to positive inflation news, indicating that the Fed will not act hastily, Powell emphasized that the Fed will not lower rates without being sure it is moving toward the 2% inflation target, aiming for a soft landing for the American economy. President Biden urgently needs such a victory declaration before the November elections, but the Fed's cautious approach delays the perception that the economy is on track.

Has the US economy achieved a soft landing
The rise of the right in Europe and the US

The rise of the right in Europe and the US presidential elections

The European Parliament election results indicate a rise in support for center-right and far-right candidates. Pro-European Union groups, which hold the majority in the parliament, saw the biggest losses among liberals and greens. This shift suggests that Europe will inevitably lean more towards right-wing policies in the coming period. Ignoring the rise of the far-right and persisting with left and liberal policies will only strengthen the right, making a shift towards more right-leaning politics by the center inevitable. Similarly, in American politics, the political cost of left and liberal policies has been bolstering Trump, leading Biden to adopt more centrist and right-leaning policies as the elections approach. While these rightward shifts may provide short-term solutions, it is clear that without a comprehensive political agenda, they will be insufficient to curb the rise of the right.


The Western world has been in a deep political and social crisis for the last several decades. After losing its comparative advantage in the economy, the West began to lose its control over global issues. Although the West declared an ultimate victory with the collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s, it soon started to follow a conflictual relationship toward the non-Western parts of the world, especially after the Sept. 11 attacks. Then, the global economic crisis at the end of the first decade of the 21st century hit the West badly. Many Western countries lost their economic leverage vis-a-vis non-Western countries. Many countries began to increase their strategic autonomy and began to follow more independent foreign policies.

In the dynamic landscape of global politics, Türkiye’s bid for membership in the BRICS group – which includes Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) – represents a strategic move poised to reshape its future. Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan’s recent attendance at the BRICS meetings in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, underscores Türkiye’s efforts to refine its foreign policy. Although Türkiye has not yet formally applied for membership, Fidan expressed interest in joining BRICS during his recent visit to Beijing.

The recent visit of Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan to China marks a significant milestone in the evolution of Turkish foreign policy within the shifting strategic landscape of Eurasia. As Türkiye aims to balance its strategic partnerships and expand its influence, this visit underscores crucial discussions and potential impacts on foreign policy.

Similar to the French Revolutionary Wars and the Napoleonic Wars period (1789-1814), the intensified imperialist period (1871-1914) and the interwar period (between the two world wars (1919-1939), today’s world has been experiencing one of the most unstable periods in recent modern times. The order-based world order has collapsed since the powers who established the current global system systematically violated international rules, principles, norms and regimes. The world system is in a deep crisis. Unfortunately, the most recent governments and political actors in the West contribute to the global political, economic and social crises.