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Turkish Foreign Policy at the Turn of the 'Century of

Turkish Foreign Policy at the Turn of the 'Century of Türkiye': Challenges, Vision, Objectives, and Transformation

Hakan Fidan’s commentary underscores the dynamic shifts in geopolitical landscapes, the escalating global challenges, and the position of Türkiye in this changing international system. He emphasizes Türkiye’s aspiration to emerge as a pivotal player, characterized by inclusivity and efficacy, capable of addressing the pressing global and regional issues. Fidan asserts that in this 21st century, Türkiye is resolutely committed to shaping the foundations for enduring peace and prosperity within its region and beyond, all while adeptly safeguarding its national interests amidst a turbulent global milieu.


I assumed my duties as the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Türkiye at a turning point in Turkish history, when we embarked on the ‘Century of Türkiye’ at the Centenary of our Republic. The vision of the Century of Türkiye, developed by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan,1 has emerged as a concept aiming at propelling Türkiye towards a future characterized by progress, development, and global engagement while revitalizing the accomplishments of the past century with renewed vigor and enthusiasm. This grand vision will serve as a lighthouse for Türkiye in every policy area, including foreign policy. In fact, it is already well reflected in Türkiye’s foreign policy goals and actions to establish a zone of peace, stability, and prosperity in our neighborhood and beyond. Our Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is celebrating its quincentenary, is well equipped with its long tradition, notable human resources, and extensive web of diplomatic presence worldwide to ensure the swift and full implementation of this vision.

Challenges in a Complex Era of Multiple Crises

The post-1945 liberal international order has prevented the outbreak of a new world war. Nevertheless, it has fallen short of offering sustainable peace and security for all. After the fall of the Berlin Wall, the discussions of the world order from unipolarity to bipolarity, and finally to multipolarity, are the symptoms of a problem in the current global governance mechanisms. These discussions prove that current global governance mechanisms are unable to address global challenges timely, fairly, and effectively. They have instead become a battleground where the political strategies of great powers clash. The UN Secretary-General António Guterres recently acknowledged this fact by underlining that “today’s multilateral institutions that were created after the Second World War reflect the power and economic dynamics of that time, and so, they need reform.”2 This observation resonates with Türkiye’s longstanding call for a reform of the UN and other multilateral organizations, in order to create a just and fair new order. This call is particularly opportune at a time when escalating competition among great powers intensifies global tensions and fosters polarization on a global scale. One can see the effects of this competition across the world. The erosion of multilateralism and the rules-based order further exacerbates this ever-increasing polarization. There is a need to ensure that the underlying principles of international law are upheld. However, the UN Security Council, entrusted with the primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security, fails to fulfill its mission. This, in turn, leaves the international system increasingly out of balance, harboring unpredictable developments, and leading to further vulnerability... Read more on Insight Turkey: Turkish Foreign Policy at the Turn of the 'Century of Türkiye': Challenges, Vision, Objectives, and Transformation [Insight Turkey, October 4, 2023]
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