World at stake: Dynamics on second anniversary of Russia-Ukraine war

The world was not in good shape on the second anniversary of the Russian-Ukrainian war. A quick look at the most recent developments alone would suffice to appreciate that we are entering a period of fragmentation and high risks.

World at stake Dynamics on second anniversary of Russia-Ukraine war
Who is responsible for theological drift Netanyahu or West

Who is responsible for theological drift: Netanyahu or West?

While the Israeli army continues its occupation of Gaza step by step, that country’s prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, attempts to justify the killing of Palestinians with reference to the Torah. In the immediate aftermath of Hamas’s Oct. 7 attack, Netanyahu embraced Jewish theology by bringing up the Prophecy of Isaiah regarding the “promised land.”


Hakan Fidan’s commentary underscores the dynamic shifts in geopolitical landscapes, the escalating global challenges, and the position of Türkiye in this changing international system. He emphasizes Türkiye’s aspiration to emerge as a pivotal player, characterized by inclusivity and efficacy, capable of addressing the pressing global and regional issues. Fidan asserts that in this 21st century, Türkiye is resolutely committed to shaping the foundations for enduring peace and prosperity within its region and beyond, all while adeptly safeguarding its national interests amidst a turbulent global milieu.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s trip to New York highlighted the question of United Nations reform anew.

Natural disasters, wars, and economic collapse tend to seriously undermine social order and make it impossible to address even people’s most basic needs. During such periods, it becomes difficult for communities to feed themselves, find shelter, receive medical attention, relocate, and communicate with others. Individuals and communities have provided emergency assistance to such individuals, without expecting anything in return, to address basic needs like food, shelter, and medical treatment throughout history.

Southern Türkiye was jolted by twin earthquakes on February 6 that caused unprecedented devastation across an extremely vast area, impacting 11 provinces. Almost on par with the scale of the devastation, Türkiye has also received a huge amount of humanitarian aid from many countries with which Türkiye both has cordial and strained relations. In light of the considerable level of solidarity showcased by many countries, it is still unclear whether this atmosphere of solidarity and amicability will translate into tangible outcomes in the respective bilateral relations between Türkiye and these nations. Likewise, it is also unclear whether the solidarity displayed by countries with which Türkiye had tense relations until the earthquakes will cause a thaw in bilateral ties and lead to a new chapter in relations. We asked foreign policy experts to weigh in on these questions.

World Stands in Solidarity with Turkey Following Earthquake

Many nations from all over the world have pledged aid to Turkey, and some have already sent search and rescue teams.

World Stands in Solidarity with Turkey Following Earthquake
New Cold War' discourses becoming more widespread

New Cold War' discourses becoming more widespread

As the Russia-Ukraine war resumes and the tension in world politics deepens, we are starting to hear more about the discourse of a 'new Cold War'


The world may not be ready for the new paradigm in diplomacy proposed by Erdoğan, but it needs to be to ensure a better future

No one believes the issue can be resolved soon due to the current dynamics on the island.

While the unexpected pragmatist approach of the Taliban surprised everyone, no one is able to predict how they will realize their second reign

The UAE-Israel deal is simple a formalization of bilateral relations under the auspices of the U.S.

Libya's government is supported by Turkey, the only country providing the nation with weapons to fight putschist Gen. Khalifa Haftar, who is backed by many regional and global powers – such as the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Greece, Russia and France. Although European Union countries officially support the legitimate government of Fayez al-Sarraj, a number strongly support its illegitimate rival, Haftar, on the ground.

Turkey’s Health Minister Fahrettin Koca has become the embodiment of the country’s fight against the coronavirus. He urged everyone last week to “declare their own state of emergency” – possibly suggesting that the Turkish government was not prepared to impose an official curfew yet.

Following Turkey's decision to throw its weight on regional developments and be a more influential actor in the Mediterranean, countries trying to exclude Ankara and its rights, have been uneasy

President Erdoğan vowed that Turkey will not stop working until Syria completes its reconstruction process

Libya's civil war has devastated the country for the last five years and is escalating again with Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar's recent march to western Libya.

Political actors and media organizations need to follow a solutions-oriented policy for ongoing global crises

resident Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will be in New York this week to hold a large number of bilateral meetings and address the United Nations General Assembly. Provided that Erdoğan speaks right after U.S. President Donald Trump, it will be interesting to compare the two leaders' remarks.

Regime leader Assad wants to claim victory over Idlib to prove he has Syrian lands under his control, says analyst

Trump's Jerusalem move rekindled a century-old problem in the Middle East and created an environment that will fuel anti-Americanism in the region and Islamophobia in the U.S.