An already unexpected situation in Russia-Ukraine war
Everything is developing so quickly in the Russia-Ukraine war, making it hard to read the parameters to conduct a precise analysis
The toll of the war on civilians in Ukraine is increasing every day. The harsh aerial bombings of some towns in Ukraine and the clashes between Ukrainian and Russian forces have generated another major refugee flow into the heart of Europe.
In the meantime, the diplomatic and economic confrontation between Russia and large segments of the international community is entering a new phase. There have been so many unexpected developments in this crisis and every day is adding more complexity to the situation. Most of the analysts today are trying to make sense of Russian actions in Ukraine over the past year. A large part are focusing on Russian President Vladimir Putin and attempting to understand his decision to go to war in Ukraine. The general consensus is that he made a major miscalculation. Even those who used to consider him a master tactician are puzzled by the state of events in the last two weeks. There are a series of developments that have made this change of mind possible.
First of all, Russia, particularly due to military operations in Syria, is believed to excel in low-cost, high-return interventions in key strategic locations. Unlike the "long and unending wars" of the United States, Russia is thought to seize the moment and use its military without facing significant challenges. When the operation in Ukraine started, many experts expected Russia to follow a similar path. Particularly the cyber-attacks in the first few days of the intervention gave the impression of a rather limited use of military power on the Russian end. At the end of the day, Kyiv was not Aleppo and Putin, from the American experience, is expected to know the Pottery Barn rule: You break it, you own it. However, in less than a week, this strategy failed. After it became obvious that the previous strategy would not work, the Russian government changed its strategy to a full-scale military intervention by using aerial bombing. This was the strategy that was implemented to a larger degree in Aleppo and other cities in northern Syria. However, once again it became clear that this may not generate the same outcome in Ukraine. The number of fighter jets and helicopters that were brought down by the Ukrainian forces within a week's time now showed that a serious miscalculation was made.
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