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Turkey Provides Assistance to Build a Future Generation in Somalia

Turkey Provides Assistance to Build a Future Generation in Somalia

SETA Senior Researcher Dr. Mehmet Özkan has said, “Turkey’s building efforts are not only construction building in Somalia but building a future generation.”

SETA Senior Researcher Dr. Mehmet Özkan, evaluating Turkey’s help to Somalia for a TV programme “Integration TV”, has said that while Turkey decided to operate directly from Mogadishu through dangerous areas, other organizations operated from outside.

Moreover, he has stated, "Turkey’s building efforts include not only building construction in Somalia, but also building a future generation. For that reason, many people have been brought to Turkey for higher education such as Master, Ph. D. These people will be ruling Somalia in the upcoming 20-30 years. Moreover, that will make Turkey-Somalia friendship long lasting."

Özkan seems hopeful for the future of Turkey and Somalia, “The rise of stability will also reflect on Turkish companies investing and creating jobs in Somalia which could be result in more cooperation between Somalian and Turkish businessmen. Since this has local dimension as well, we will probably witness more Turkish investments with the help of the Somalian diaspora as well.”

He adds, “Turkey will be staying in the background despite her support in terms of equipment, doctors, etc., on the contrary, Somalians will be leading the process directly by running buildings, schools, and all other facilities.”