Al-Shabaab’s Exploitation of Extensive Displacements in Somalia: The Correlation Between Displacement and Radicalization

What is the connection between displacements and radicalization? How does al-Shabaab utilize displaced people? In what ways may al-Shabaab be empowered by Somali IDP camps?

Al-Shabaab s Exploitation of Extensive Displacements in Somalia The Correlation
Turkish perspective of the Global South

Turkish perspective of the Global South

Türkiye has been following a multidimensional and multilateral foreign policy for the last two decades of the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) governments. While it has been trying to maintain its alliance with the Western states, Ankara has been trying to improve its relations with the non-Western world, including the Global South. Anchored in the principles of regionalism and minilateralism, Turkish foreign policy is shaped within the framework of the “Century of Türkiye” vision and the grand strategy called the “Türkiye Axis.”


The AK Party, with its nearly 25 years of governance experience, has been playing an increasingly prominent role in Africa, particularly in the Horn of Africa.

Türkiye, which sent troops to Somalia on Jan. 3, 1993, took a step toward establishing international peace and stability as part of the United Nations' Second Somalia Operation (UNOSOM II). This step opened the door to a new era in which Türkiye intervened in conflict areas in Somalia with diplomatic and humanitarian assistance. The visit of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who was the prime minister at the time, to Somalia in 2011 was a turning point in Türkiye's approach to Somalia.

Türkiye has crowned its nearly 20-year-long win-win-oriented policy in Africa by successfully concluding the Ankara Process, one of the many constructive efforts aiming at contributing to peace, security and development of the continent.

The Somalia-Ethiopia summit hosted by President Erdoğan in Ankararesulted in a declaration, emphasizing constructive partnership opportunities for peace and cooperation. One of the most critical aspects of the declaration was Ethiopia’s affirmation of its respect for Somalia's independence, sovereignty, and territorial integrity.

Maritime milestone: Türkiye and Somalia's strategic partnership

The latest agreement between Türkiye and Somalia reflects the upgrade of already strategic bilateral relations while demonstrating increasingly robust Turkish naval capabilities and expanding naval activism. The "Defense and Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement" signed between Türkiye and Somalia on Feb. 8, 2024, was approved shortly after by the Somali Parliament and subsequently by the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM). In March 2024, the “Agreement Between the Government of the Republic of Türkiye and the Government of the Federal Republic of Somalia in the Field of Oil and Natural Gas” and the “Memorandum of Understanding Between the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of the Republic of Türkiye and the Ministry of Petroleum and Mineral Resources of the Federal Republic of Somalia on Onshore and Offshore Blocks in Somalia” were signed. The Oruç Reis seismic research vessel, which embarked on its first intercontinental mission, set sail on Oct. 5 as part of the oil and gas exploration agreement signed between Türkiye and Somalia in March.

Maritime milestone Türkiye and Somalia's strategic partnership
Conference Somalia-Türkiye Relations Achievements and Challenges on Security and Stabilisation

Conference: Somalia-Türkiye Relations | Achievements and Challenges on Security and Stabilisation

Somalia-Türkiye Relations | Achievements and Challenges on Security and Stabilisation


Following the High-Level Strategic Cooperation Meeting between Türkiye and Egypt in Ankara on Sept. 4, 16 agreements were signed, and a 36-point joint declaration was issued. Ankara and Cairo had been at odds for nearly a decade following the bloody military coup led by Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi in 2013 that removed Mohammed Morsi, Egypt’s only democratic ruler, from power.

The main disagreements between the two countries are historical, religious, border, strategic and political issues.